Life and the universe -- origins

Again, anyone talking like they know other universes do not exist is blathering nonsense. They are not to be taken seriously.

It is easier to take people seriously if they claim to know other universes do exist, since they may have some experience of these things which gave them reason to believe such a thing.

same observation applies to God

Anyone talking like they know God does not exist is blathering nonsense. They are not to be taken seriously. It is easier to take people seriously if they claim to know God does exist. For this reason most of those identifying themselves as atheists do not claim any knowledge that God does not exist.

He’s blathering nonsense.

Some intellectual historian should investigate where modern man became disenchanted with real science and began to be drawn away to delusions of other “universes” (a nonsense term). It appears to be an escape from reason. “Escape From Reason,” is the title to a Francis Schaeffer book.

Who says its easier to believe people who say they know God exists?

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Terrif. We have someone who knows more than a MIT
professor, knows everything he says is wrong without knowing
what he says.

Do I hear the “N” word?

Not that one, the Nobel word.

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You’re appealing to authority, the sure sign of a believer, not someone who relies on reason.

State the full claim please…

It is easier to believe people who say they know God exists than to believe people who say they know God does not exist.

Who says this?

Just look at the claims of the majority theists and atheists and this will demonstrate quite clearly that most people effectively say this even if they do not state so specifically. Theists have no problem claiming that they know God exists, however most atheists do not claim that they know God does not exist.

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And on whose expertise and authority do you rely?

I sure wont appeal to the authority of someone with no coeds whatever. Or to some speculative supernatural power.

Ive read Tegmark’s books and can follow the math. We doubt this is true of you.

Bible / God is wherevapoeal to " authority" really takes off.

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Took a look at a summary of the book. Looks like I would agree with a lot of it and disagree with much of it also. But if this book has ANYTHING to do with this subject under discussion then you will have to quote that portion for us.

And I have a growing suspicion that where i am likely to disagree with him and with you has to do with some desire to push beliefs on other people. Certainly in your case I see a lack of distinction between the premises you have accepted as a basis for your reasoning and that of reasoning itself.

Blathering about “multiverses” is an example of an escape from reason.

Blathering about “multiverses being an escape from reason” is an example of an escape from reason.

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Aww, a cute little syllogism

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People have already stated above that they have blocked you in particular.

But yeah some people cannot stand being dealt what they do to other people. My contempt for this can be seen in how I frequently do just that.

If you are not here to learn then you wasting your time.

I find it particularly telling when someone cannot even abide those who defend them against arguments of others. That is a degree of inflexibility which doesn’t do very well in an internet forum.

I guess I am immune to such flattery of physicists, because I am not sure I would buy into this idea of a superiority of knowledge of physics technique over the knowledge of artistic technique.

When it comes to speculations about the physical nature of the cosmos(es), I’ll give more serious consideration to the mathematical musings of the astrophysicists any day over those of everybody else - be they artistic or not. Doesn’t mean they’re right, of course. But they will certainly know a lot more about their own subject matter than others. One can reasonably hope as much for any fields of specialty. I sure hope it’s true of my airplane pilot or surgeon.

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I can’t stand science being obscured by fantasy, like “multiverse” speculation, which is just an attempt to escape from reason.

Well there is certainly a difference between scientific fact and scientific speculation, just as there is a difference between the findings of science (fact) and the rhetoric people employ which happen to used the findings of science to push what they believe.

I am sympathetic with your irritation to the point where I agree it is contrary to the methodology of science to dodge the actual finding of science that the universe had a beginning by making appeals to things which cannot be demonstrated. It is scientific procedure to test the hypotheses and then accept the results. But at the same time I MUST object when condemnation is taken too far – just as a matter of honesty.

Science cannot prove that other universes do not exist. That is a fact.

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Science cannot prove that Peter Pan doesn’t exist. Reasonable people know he doesn’t. Reasonable people know that the blather about “multiverses” is ridiculous.

Unluckily some vastly intelligent, deeply and broadly educated people, to the limits of their stupendous polymathic analytical and intellectual capabilities, don’t know that. You should tell them.

News of the tautological isnt that tough to figure.