Joshua and Cornelius get to know each other

I believe this to be a very important BioLogos post, on an important BioLogos thread. I find myself in agreement with all these points of common ground.

My own aim has been, for several years, to flesh out how one can do justice, within this worldview, to both the "bios and the “logos” of theistic evolution without simply holding two incompatible views in the same brain.

Achieving that would go a long way to meeting Eddie’s desire for an understanding of “Evolutionary Creation” that avoids deism.

I would like to stress Joshua’s point:

When I was a doctor, I took sides on controversies within the profession, and even more when the profession seemed to be pitted against those operating on different paradigms (who were, in public discourse “alternative practitioners” and in private “quacks”).

Now I am retired, I see that in the scheme of things those disputes were all relatively small beer: my own professional paradigm was imperfect, and patients got well from the “wrong” treatments who didn’t get well with mine, though of course mine were generally best!

We should remember that there will be no scientific disputes in the age to come - though it wouldn’t surprise me if they were still going on in hell.