Job and Dinosaurs

Weavers communicate telepathically by riddle, although communicating with them at all is fairly dangerous owing to their constantly-changing interests, such as a fascination with collecting scissors or ears.

Who knew?!
Well, of course, you did.
Sounds far more interesting than the trilogy I am currently reattempting after 43 years. Still horribly, institutionally, sterilely boring but for different reasons. Why Kelvin’s wife’s namesake would strategize a future, if the species is going to die off with the larger half of it entirely absent or too witless to be allowed an entry, much less an entrance? Maybe there is encyclopedic knowledge of cloning. Haven’t gotten that far. Predicting I won’t. Kierkegaard is much more fun.

Hmmm. Which 80s trilogy I wonder?

Read my edits.

Solaris?! . . .

Nope. Percolate for 10 minute. You’ll get it.

What?! The original three is older 'n me!

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Yes and all the charm of the conference rooms at the time. Nice new edition, when I was in 8th or 9th grade and highly recommended by a social studies teacher I liked, but whose taste in fiction I didn’t. Probably in association with additional volumes in hopes of making more hay.
I think I’ll quit trying to enjoy what I dislike and relocate the “The Eye Altering”. That’s a direction I am more confident in. Also Ms. Butler’s work. I need to find what lies beyond kindred.

I dunno. The youth of today. Got no respec.

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Sometimes. Sometimes they don’t respect our lack of adaptability or lack of vision. Or our foolish inclinations to just bury the past as if it never were or as if the past has no effect on the present. Or former (sometimes current) tendencies for some to view over half the population as able to unengage in anything interesting.
Some things are best suited for entries in encyclopedias.

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