Is the story of Noah inappropriate for young children (violent genocide)?


I would never enter into an agreement with you - - your interest in quibbling over any definition would make a meeting of the minds impossible.

The dictionary defines Genocide as: "the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. "
Please note that OTHER than national (i.e. ethnic) motivations, there are 3 more motivations, including “political” or “cultural”.

I think the group “Mortal Sinners” could easily be characterized as a Cultural Group.

Why don’t you just spell it out simply: you can’t say the Flood was Genocide because you can’t accuse the CREATOR of genocide. He’s just returning defective product.


Yes, I admit that I read the Bible with 21st century morals and ethics. And yes the Bible is filled with God committing or condoning atrocities on the human race. Your defense is very similar to moderate Muslims who defends Islam as a religion of peace while a radical groups use the Koran and same God of the OT to commit atrocities around the world.

Wasn’t Nice in the Walt Disney sense? It was a global flood where everything was ravaged. Common on Eddie, this story makes the Holocaust look like a minor blip in human history.

Failing to see the critical difference in motivation? Ok, Hitler wanted to completely exterminate the Jewish people because of his megalomaniacal hatred of Jews. What was God’s motivation in this wiping out of the planet? Wickedness? What wickedness did the children of Noah’s time do? What wickedness did the old people do to deserve to drown?

You talk about cool heads. What are you doing to denounce the atrocities in the name of God that are going on in this country and around the world?

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Such a quibble…there have been many a moral justification for the purging of the world of vile people…


Oh brother.

Eddie, don’t you think genocide is the correct term, whether the moral argument is correct or not?

Even when a killing is accidental, it is STILL (!!!) called a homicide - - because it’s the killing of a man.

And when a whole group is wiped out … or ALMOST wiped out … it’s still called genocide.


I gave you the DENOTATION of “Genocide” - - and you complained that there was no way that a whole world of sinners could be seen as a “culture”… despite the fact that there are very few cultures in the world that get anywhere near representing 99.9% of all humanity.

So… because cultures is too small for your mind… and a nation represents 100% of a group … Noah’s small band foils your attempt at typology…

This is the comprehension problem that “concrete thinkers” frequently have.


you describe the killing of millions of people as hacking away the diseased limbs of a tree. What a callous human being you are.


Did God make the right call this week in San Bernadino and last week in Paris?

You tell me, you seem to know what he was thinking 4350 years ago.


Reading one of your posts about why certain words shouldn’t be used is like trying to decide what is wrong with grated cheese on hot chocolate made with cold orange juice instead of hot milk …

Where’s a man to begin …
