Is the Mind part of our physical body?

IIRC this issue was solved when some researchers realized that memory is more holographic than anything, where the loss of one element doesn’t harm the whole.

Quite so!

Better rendered as “God is spirit”.


BTW, I read an article not long ago that proposed that the column was like one made of smoke with fire on the inside, so that the change from fir to cloud was only apparent, that the column itself didn’t change.


I agree with you here.

I am not so worried about the mechanics of how the spiritual body is formed. This is God’s doing anyway.

This is quite confusing actually because I am not sure if your view has any support from the bible. On what verse did you get this kind of interpretation?

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Are we still talking about our future spiritual body that Paul mentioned in 1 Cor 15? You lost me Terry. :thinking:

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I wouldn’t call it worry but curiosity and the desire to understand. In science we have learned an expectation of answers to questions like this, and we know that how things are formed also tells us the answer to many other questions about why they do what they do.

Seems to me, too many of the religious just want the authority to dictate answers like this without any real understanding of anything. Well that is not me and not very interesting to me either!

That would be the typical answer of the middle ages for everything – good for keeping people ignorant and under the control of religious authorities. I see no value in religion like that.

Sure God is the creator. But how He did things is important because then we can find explanations for what we actually see instead of closing our eyes, ears, and mind to become the obedient toy soldiers the abusers of religion want us to be.

So like I said, if that sort of thing was all one can find in the Bible and Christianity then at best, it belongs next to Harry Potter on the Library shelf, and at worst, it belongs in the recycle bin to make something useful out of all that paper.

Only in the same way the doctrine of the Trinity has support from the Bible. It makes sense of what we read there. If the spirit is a product of our choices then what happens to us is our responsibility and then we can dispense all this nonsense about a God who loves to torture people who don’t follow a long list of absurd rules, which totally sounds like the invention of clergy to use religion for making people do what they want.

Sure thing Mitch. You are a scientist with how questions. I am by no means object to your pursuit. For me though, the bible is the book of WHY God did all these things. If you are looking for the question of how, then perhaps you should look more closely to the nature than the Bible.

I am just looking for the support you have from the Bible concerning your view on the resurrection body. Where in the bible you can find support for :

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There is a verse in the Bible that is almost overlooked by me, but fortunately remembered for its relevance in this topic.

Matthew 10:28
And do not fear those who kill the body (soma) but cannot kill the soul (psyche). Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

It is very clear here that while the body might die someday for whatever reasons, the soul / spirit will live on. Actually we can say here that only God is able to kill the body and the soul and that will be in hell (geenna)

Man, I should have started with this verse from the beginning and saved me a lot typing answering those who think that when we die, the spirit and soul and mind also dies. :grinning:

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