Dear Richard,
I find it difficult to fully comprehend where you are coming your post at:
The historical account of the creation and fall of Adam the first man in Genesis is clear for all to see. I don’t know why you are unable to see what is so clearly written, even a small child can understand the basic thrust of the Genesis historical account of creation,the fall, and the flood.
But I have never suggested such a thing!
I’ve noticed on more than one occasion that posts from the Theistic evolution camp have a common failing, that is, they appear to make absolutely unjustified accusations against a fellow Christian in ways that state a grossly blatant untruth (I can only speculate that is based on an assumption they have made), and then they rail against that untruth they have written as if the Christian they are aiming their venom at had actually said what they claim!
To be clear here, WHAT exactly makes you believe that I think that, “anyone who has not been touched by Jesus is somehow damaged or broken”???
But Richard, Adam is the FIRST man, we are ALL related to Adam, he is our distant approximate, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, great, great, great, great great, great, great, grandfather Give or take a few or many ‘greats’.
We’re all related, every man, woman and child on Earth is family, however distant, and all are related to Noah through the global flood population bottleneck that greatly reduced genetic diversity and drastically shortened life spans after that global event.
Well yes, I agree that sin is unavoidable for every human on Earth ever, except for Adam and Eve and Jesus.
Adam and Eve were innocent before God prior to their rebellion against His command to NOT eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
But once Adam and Eve crossed that line of disobedience and knew good and evil, the cat was out of the bag, and there is no way of putting it back, (they could not unknow what they then knew, they realised they were naked, prior to the disobedience they were innocent and blameless before God), hence we all inherit the sin nature from Adam.
That is why Jesus came incarnate to Earth to rescue us all from eternal separation from Him, through His selfless sacrifice to pay the penalty of the wages of sin that is death.
God bless,