Hello, Enk – that’s quite an opening post! And I must admit my eyes glazed over a bit and I started skimming after the first half-dozen paragraphs or so. Generally I think you’ll get more readers and more traction if you can provide shorter summaries. You’ve obviously put a lot of thought into this, and so I sympathize with your compulsion to not leave out any detail.
To say that God stepped in for a special genetic transformation about 30 years ago is quite the extraordinary claim, to put it mildly. So while I haven’t examined all the evidence you present, I’m pretty sure you’ll find this to be an impossible sell, based as it is on the subjective impressions of selected appearances. Methinks that the advent of small portable devices and our preoccupations with staying indoors with them probably goes a long way toward explaining the explosive appearance of ever more pale flab in the last couple of decades.
All that said – welcome to the forum! You might get some interesting reactions here. Make sure you are familiar with the recently updated guidelines. It does include the new imperative to make sure posts tie into at least one or the other of either theology or mainstream science (or better yet both).