"Is Genesis History?" corrected by creationists

I wonder if one could say that without randomness in the motions of individual molecules, the oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere would stratify out? I may not remember my Periodic Table positions…but isn’t nitrogen heavier than oxygen—which means that we would die without oxygen at ground level because it would be layered far above us?

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If you come to a point where Richard Dawkins considers debating you in public - or refusing to do so in the hope of degrading your reputation you might get high enough in the ranking. Guess you do not have enough followers on youtube to be on the Dawkins scale and you might want to call that a blessing :slight_smile:

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Is God using “random chance” for evolution? He is in as far as allowing it to happen, but God brought order into the randomness / chaos by forcing it to obey his law. Evolution is not occurring because God created randomness but because he created a law to constrain it. And whenever you can understand this law and understand how it works to sustain creation you can see the beauty of his word, and what it means “to love thy neighbour” If one thinks he would create evolution by personal favours or for rewarding one for being better in eating the food (using resources) faster than the others without considering the overall system you might find mankind on a fast way to extinction