Is Christianity still in decline?

I was thinking something similar about suicide. That i didnt had a choise. The only solution. Turns out i had a choise.

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Yeah, they’re wired that way. With that capability.

We aint robots. Created seems a more right word to use

Aye Mervin. That’s how we’re socialized. What some great, vaulted, imaginary moral principle has to do with that I can’t imagine. As Gandhi said about Christianity, he thought it would be a good idea.

I really cannot imagine Klax beign a Christian and saying these words. I dont want to be rude im just baffled

Sure you can. Once we embrace choice … real or socialized or whatever, it’s a short and easy step to realize that this now equals responsibility too, and yet another short easy step to know that some choices are better than others (hence the responsibility part). Yeah - we can argue all day about why or what or which? And I won’t be proving any of that to you either. I don’t need to because you already believe it - along with all the other self-styled hard core, deconstructionist skeptics who want us to believe they have laid to rest all possibility of any objective morality. But they (vast majority of them) very much have not. Not if they are around here on the web passionately arguing for this or that as if their arguments mattered. They openly show by doing so that they don’t for a moment believe their own disavowals.

What difference does being a Christian make walking down the street, in the shops, at the doctor? Can you tell?

You are a christian and you are stating that you believe in an imaginary moral principle? Imaginery? You believe in an imaginary principle which comes from a God who is not imaginary? Or in your opinion he is imaginary as well

Imaginary? In the sense of it’s not objective, not absolute yes. In the sense that we make it up, like we do all human institutions, all culture, yes. That God may well have clarified and extended that, accelerated that, seasoned it, leavened it, distilled it, deconstructed and reconstructed in and through Jesus, sure. But it hasn’t taken well has it.

Is Christianity still in decline?

This question always makes me laugh since people have been asking that question for over a thousand years.

Yeah, LOL, Christianity has declined until the whole world is filled with Christians. LOL

What we see in areas where Christianity is long established is periodic revivals. Over and over again there are these declines in Christianity as people get disillusioned and lose touch with what Christianity is about. Then they rediscover it and you get a revival. This happens over and over again.

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Statistics says otherwise though

Of course they do. LOL

And I say… I certainly hope so.

There is much of Christianity which I hope will decline, because there is a great deal which is toxic.

It has always been so.

What we have must decline so that Christianity is revived and finds new life, discarding the toxic nonsense which does nobody no good in order to rediscover that in Christianity which gives us life.

Being what is popular and the majority has a great number of spiritual problems with it. Losing this is good for Christianity rather than bad. It always has been.

These numbers aint gonna come back and there will be no new converts if we continiue like this. We wil be a minority and no human right organization will do something when we will get persecuted just as they dont give a (censor) for the christian minorities living at oppresive countries over the world

That has been said many times before. Persecution has always made Christianity stronger.

Christianity started with only a few rather demoralized apostles and friends after Christ died, and increased pretty fast. :slight_smile: As you say!

What? Christianity has the highest number of converts of any world religion, according to Wikipedia. It’s the birth rate that makes a difference :slight_smile:

According to the World Christian Encyclopedia , approximately 2.7 million converting to Christianity from another religion, World Christian Encyclopedia also cited that Christianity rank at first place in net gains through religious conversion.[4] While according to “The Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion”, approximately 15.5 million converting to Christianity from another religion, while approximately 11.7 million leave Christianity, and most of them become irreligious, resulting in a net gain of 3.8 million.[6] Christianity earns about 65.1 million people due to factors such as birth rate, the religious conversion while losing 27.4 million people due to factors such as death rate, religious apostasy. Most of the net growth in the numbers of Christians are in Africa, Latin America and Asia.[6]

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I was refering to a futuristic setting.

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I don’t know–it doesn’t appear that worked in Islamic countries like Nubia, Egypt, Algeria, etc. But you’re right–God is just, and he knows what we go through.

Maybe more in the West, then? It could be. I would agree that it takes a lot of refining; and I have a lot to learn. Western Christians have our own struggles. Thanks :slight_smile:

Absolutely in the West. Whatever christianity helped to build that western identinty ,the people just throw it away and sticks to the bads of christianity. Which enough of course.

West is the only thing . If christianity at west becomes a minority then christianity anywhere else would be non existant.