(Christy Hemphill)
January 8, 2018, 1:55pm
We have loved the classical conversations model up to this point; however, starting 7th grade (next year for us) the program uses Apologia literature for science- a posture of Science in which we strongly disagree! For now, the plan is to enroll our oldest while switching out the science material at home with Novare literature. Any encouragement or advice in this matter would be welcomed! We love our community but are not oblivious to our theological differences when it comes to evolution.
Welcome, Cynthia!
I’ve linked some conversations specific to the CC question below. Feel free to continue any of these threads or start a new one. Or, you can use the PM system to send a private message to any user about something in particular. (Click on any avatar and then use the “send message” button, or click on your own avatar in the upper right and click on the envelope icon and type in the users you would like to contact.)
Glad you are here!
Hi! I have been reading BioLogos materials frequently for several years, but this marks my initial contribution to the BioLogos Forum.
I would like to initiate a discussion centered on people’s experiences with science education within a homeschool environment. I know that Christy is an active homeschooler, and I have read several of her typically astute reflections within other discussions. I suspect there are several other homeschoolers reading these discussions, as well as many who were h…
@Homeschool_Forum We participate in a Classical Conversations (CC) group and like several others on this board, are struggling with the view from which the Challenge levels (grade 7-12) are taught. Some of the curriculum/resources they use include It Couldn’t Just Happen, Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds, and the Apologia science texts (Physical, Bio, Chem). So it’s a mix of YEC, ID with some token mentions of OEC. There is a strong anti-evolutionary tone.
My son will be going into Chall…
@Homeschool_Forum I recently learned about Scholé Groups from a friend who lives near me and homeschools her two boys. Like many others on this forum, I have appreciated much about our experience with Classical Conversations but have grown increasingly exasperated by the anti-evolution propaganda—particularly this year when my son was in Challenge A and reading It Couldn’t Just Happen. I knew our friend was in some sort of co-op, so I asked her two weeks ago if it was affiliated with any speci…
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