Interpretation & Meaning in Genesis + Sabbath

A seven day week as prominent in many cultures but others had ten and various number on non-traditional weeks asides from a seven day week. God may have chosen to use the seventh day as a day of rest to fit with the framework of the story of Genesis 1 (and may I mind you read Genesis 1 and 2 and see that these are in fact two different creation accounts, such as the world of Genesis 1 starts off as a watery chaos while in Genesis 2 it’s a dry dead land) God simply took their understanding/worldview and used it to make a special day of rest and cultic devotion/worship to Himself (Yahweh). The people who worshiped Yahweh/El/Eli/Elohim/El Shaddai (He went by many names before the Mosaic Levitical cultic system was made) may of had a different concept of weeks then the one the Hebrews had before Leviticus and also they may have worshipped on the third or fourth day instead of the seventh. Also are we bound by the Levitical Sabbath (as the SDA says we should be) or do we worship on the Lord’s Day (Sunday)?

If that was so then why haven’t YECers given evidence that the earth is 6,000-10,000 years old via geological evidence? They haven’t and instead we see the earth is millions of years old. One of the reasons along with the issue of dinosaurs and the Flood made me leave YEC and become EC. We cannot be dealing with two different “interpretations” when scientific facts shows the earth is millions of years old. While one may protest the evidence on the table they cannot deny it without looking like a fool. But please entertain me this Ecerotops, if the Flood was worldwide and dinosaurs were in it along with humans, then why haven’t we found human, animal and dino bones on the same layer of rock/soil?