Interpretation & Meaning in Genesis + Sabbath

[quote=“Ecerotops, post:1, topic:40226”]
Why are we instructed in the Decalogue to remember the sabbath day?
Deuteronomy 5:12-15 (NIV2011)
12 “Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the LORD your God has commanded you.
13 Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
14 but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest, as you do.
15 Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

Ecer, I trust that this answers your question above. As a student of the Bible I am sure you know that there are two almost identical versions of the Ten Commandments in the Bible, one in Exodus and Deuteronomy. Even though the first is better known, since the second is also a part of God’s word, it must be still valid and it does not refer to the Creation, but the Exodus.

Also you must be aware that John 1 provides the NT version of the Creation which is different from Genesis. Also in John 5:15-18 Jesus challenges the Genesis understanding of the Sabbath, by saying that He and the Father never rested.

If you accept the Gen. understanding of the Sabbath, do you observe the Sabbath on the seventh day or Saturday? Do you observe the Sabbath by resting as the Pharisees did? If the answer to either or both is no, then your understanding of the Bible is based on interpretation.

Since the universe was created by and through the Rational Word of God, the Logos, Jesus Christ, then the OT word must be interpreted by the Logos.

There are of course many Christians who think an ordinance has to be equivalent to what it memorializes. So, if God worked six days and rested one day as a pattern for the Sabbath, the days are the same whether ours or God’s, and the rest is the same whether ours or God’s. Likewise, if Jesus tells us to eat the Lord’s supper because “this is my body”, then for it to be meaningful it has to be real flesh and not bread.

But as I’m sure you know, not all Christians agree. Many think the Lord’s supper can have real meaning even without the bread literally becoming Christ’s flesh. Many think the Sabbath can have real value for humans without it corresponding one-to-one with God’s own rest. The suggestion in Hebrews 4 that God’s rest – the seventh day – continues, and we are still called to enter it, suggests there may be something more profound in the seventh day than a time of divine refreshment and breath-catching after strenuous labour (Exod. 31:17).

The portrayal of God as a human labourer in Genesis 1 also suggests we shouldn’t expect this picture to reveal the mechanics or timetable of how God works. Each day, the account describes God working only during the day. After each day of creation, the narrator tells us that evening comes, then morning comes, with no creative work during this span. The refrain “there was evening and there was morning” does not define a day – it describes the uneventful passing of a night. So the whole picture of God working six days with the nights off, then resting on the seventh, makes sense as an anthropomorphic picture of God.

God is described this way, not because God really does sleep at night and take Sabbaths off, but because this gives humans a template for their own work and rest. And the structure of a literal week can indeed help us remember our creatureliness, just as certainly as bread can unite us as Christ’s body who partake together, discerning his presence among us as we await the feast to come.


Hi @Ecerotops,

Appealing to differences in worldview can only get you so far in trying to argue against scientific observation. For starters, you can’t shrug off the results of measurement and mathematics. Masurement does not give you different results when looked at from different worldviews. Mount Everest is still 8,848 metres tall irrespective of whether you look down at it from an aeroplane or up at it from base camp. And yes, measurements have to be interpreted, but the interpretations have to obey strict rules of accuracy, mathematical coherence, technical rigour, quality control, and even basic honesty.

Here’s the thing. The age of the earth, and the ages of things in it, are determined first and foremost by measuring things. Radiometric dating? That’s just measurement. Counting tree rings or lake varves? Again – it’s measurement. The fact is that old earth explanations for the most part obey these rules. Young-earth arguments, on the other hand, simply do not.


With a lunar month of 29 1/2 days you can either go down to 28 for 4 weeks of 7 days (or 2 of 14 even). Or you can go up to 30 days allowing a division in 3 “weeks” of 10 or 5 weeks of 6. The Mayans used groupings of 20 days so not everyone even tried to divide up the lunar month evenly, and this is usually considered too long (closer to a month) to be compared to weeks. No matter what you do there always has to be corrections since none of the astronomical periods divide any of the others evenly.


Our precise measurements tell us it is 29 days and change. Naked eye observation can result in a lunar cycle of 28, 29, or 30 days. Four 7 day weeks would fit with the 28 days. The Jewish calendar was originally based on the moon and has to be corrected to keep it in sync with the year.

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A seven day week as prominent in many cultures but others had ten and various number on non-traditional weeks asides from a seven day week. God may have chosen to use the seventh day as a day of rest to fit with the framework of the story of Genesis 1 (and may I mind you read Genesis 1 and 2 and see that these are in fact two different creation accounts, such as the world of Genesis 1 starts off as a watery chaos while in Genesis 2 it’s a dry dead land) God simply took their understanding/worldview and used it to make a special day of rest and cultic devotion/worship to Himself (Yahweh). The people who worshiped Yahweh/El/Eli/Elohim/El Shaddai (He went by many names before the Mosaic Levitical cultic system was made) may of had a different concept of weeks then the one the Hebrews had before Leviticus and also they may have worshipped on the third or fourth day instead of the seventh. Also are we bound by the Levitical Sabbath (as the SDA says we should be) or do we worship on the Lord’s Day (Sunday)?

If that was so then why haven’t YECers given evidence that the earth is 6,000-10,000 years old via geological evidence? They haven’t and instead we see the earth is millions of years old. One of the reasons along with the issue of dinosaurs and the Flood made me leave YEC and become EC. We cannot be dealing with two different “interpretations” when scientific facts shows the earth is millions of years old. While one may protest the evidence on the table they cannot deny it without looking like a fool. But please entertain me this Ecerotops, if the Flood was worldwide and dinosaurs were in it along with humans, then why haven’t we found human, animal and dino bones on the same layer of rock/soil?


FYI, just to get the information out there for reference…

4.1 billion years ago: first life
2.1 billion years ago: eukaryotic cells (like those we have) evolved.
541 million years ago: Cambrian explosion in which most known animal phyla appeared in the oceans.
365 million years ago: First land animals.
66 million years ago: extinction event wiping out 75% of species on the planet including dinosaurs
15 million years ago: common ancestor of great apes and homo sapiens
2 million years ago: first of the homo genus - homo habilis and homo erectus
700 thousand years ago: divergence of neanderthal subspecies
200 thousand years ago: oldest group most like modern humans isolated in southern Africa.
100 thousand years ago: migrations out of Africa begins with small genetic input from remnants of other subspecies like neanderthals along the way.
15 thousand years ago: migration across the Bering straight.

According to this the dinosaurs were extinct 64 million years before anything like humans appeared – that’s 32 times as far back in time as the oldest of the homo genus.


The Babylonians had a seven day week.

Anyway, 7 is a highly symbolic number, derived from the number of the planets (including the sun and moon) which can be seen in the sky. Either God created the universe according to a primitive astrological method, or genesis 1 is ‘symbolic’.


I’ve heard this too. Another possible reason I have read for 7 being considered special is that there are 4 main directions on the compass, and then adding those to three principle domains: the celestial world, the earth, and the underworld, makes for 7 rough spatial domains. And just as you can get 7 from 4+3, you get 12 from 4x3. The Cartesian-conditioned mathematician in myself resonates with these historical possibilities too. image

It would also be interesting to know more about when and how the 7-day week came to dominate the global calendar as it has now. Was there ever a time in history that we know of where a non-7 day arrangement dominated in the old (non-American) world?

I recently looked into trying to date when the Sabbath was instituted in Judaism compared to when Genesis in its current form is dated to see if it can be established that the seven-day work week in Israel pre-dated the narrative, but it was not a clear-cut thing. One thing that was interesting was that although surrounding cultures had seven day weeks, the Sabbath (seventh day of rest) was uniquely Jewish and nothing similar is attested in other ANE cultures.


According to Wikipedia, the ancient Romans had a 8 day cycle, with 7 day week coming in around the time of Augustus and both used for a while. Again with sun (Sunday) moon (Monday) and 5 planets being incorporated.

Trying to figure out how you could divide up a month into 8 day “weeks” led to the realization that there is more than one way of calculating the length of a month. The 29.53 day length is measured with respect to the sun, i.e. how long the moon takes to come back to the same position respect to the line joining the earth and sun. But perhaps the more natural way to measure the length of the month is to do it with respect to the background stars which is more than two days shorter - 27.32 days. From this length you can then round up to 28 days or down to 27, the latter of which supports dividing the month up into three “weeks” of nine. The connection to an eight day week is something the Celts did based on nine nights with eight days in-between them.

Interesting. Kind of neat, because in Hausa (the Chadic African language that surrounded us as we grew up in Niger), the word for “seven” is “saba’in,” and Saturday is “Asabar” much like Hebrew. But since Hausa is about 1/4 influenced by Arabic, that makes sense–being related to Hebrew.

Which is a fallacy of the false dilemma.
A false dilemma is a type of informal fallacy in which something is falsely claimed to be an “either/or” situation, when in fact there is at least one additional option.

Another option is that God created in 6 days and rested on the seventh, giving the 7 day week which was passed through Noah to Babel and then generally followed but with some nations adopting a different “weekly” cycle.

But since the Hebrews were enslaved for hundreds of years and would have been forced to follow the Egyptian calendar it is surprising they didn’t use the 10 day week.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Evidence for a young earth

What? Flat Earth? Where did that come from?

No what is amazing is if they have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years and didn’t pick up anything from the Egyptians. Like what was Moses’s Egyptian name? He had to have had one didn’t he? No Egyptian loan words. There is actually nothing to show they actually did live there for hundreds of years.

We are told the seventh day of rest was to commemorate God leading the Hebrews out of Egypt. So which is correct?

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[quote=“Relates, post:6, topic:40226”]

Hello Roger,

Thank you for the complete explanation of the sabbath that represents the seventh day of the Creation week and I thank the other posters for their input.
The reason I brought the sabbath issue up is to express it as a reminder that God created six days as indicated in the scriptures, and to express its connection to the six day creation week where God rested the seventh. What reminder do we have that we evolved over millions of years even if seen as God’s action?

Moreover, today is in the year 2019. This year is the number (circa) after the Savior promised in Genesis 3:15 was born and died for your and my redemption. The BC / AD division of time is thus another reminder of Genesis account and the fall that occurred during the account. But the supposed evolution account has no explanation even of the fact that man fell let alone any mention of hope from the consequences of the fall we experience daily.

Finally, may I ask out of curiosity why does it appear so terribly important that we must believe the supposed evolutionary account? Evolution is usually spoken of as a theory and the Bible states the creation account point blank.


First, there is no evolutionary account. The way most who are EC types interpret the Genesis creation account is that it does not support nor deny evolution, but its purpose is theologic, not scientific (or even historic, though there is more variation of belief there).
Now, why is it important to accept evolution? From my standpoint, it is important because it is a truthful expression of the data at hand, and thus we must deal with it if we are to better understand creation, and ultimately the Creator. I’ll leave it there, but will get back when I have time,


You’re right - there is nothing in evolutionary theory remotely about this. Or about calligraphy. Or about how to fix my car. The theory does explain a lot [about the hereditary development of life from much simpler (but already existing) life to now], but no theory is a tool to explain everything, despite the best efforts of some to present it that way.

Certainly nothing about that in evolutionary theory either. Right again!

I wouldn’t say that believers around here are calling that important. I think the main drum that gets lots of pounding around here is that it is important not to make other people’s access to the gospel of Christ contingent on them believing correct or accepted things about evolution or science generally. We’re about removing stumbling stones around here - not creating more of them. The cross of Christ is a bitter offense enough for all of us to come to terms with - there is no other foundational cornerstone (including your’s or anybody else’s particular understanding of Genesis or anything else) that the Christian should be obliged to align with. Christ is sufficient. And when we are finally found in that sufficiency (or crushed by it), that is not an end, but just the beginning. We grow together and many of us find it unthinkable that the gospel should be packaged with injustice or falsehood. Yes, we can still be and are wrong about a good many things as believers, but when we discover that we should flee such chaff and pursue the truth doggedly, because our God is worthy of nothing less. That’s why so many believers find encouragement and support here.