Inspiring Philosophy vs AiG Debate : Is evolution compatible with Genesis?

Yes, there were many small schisms during the reformation in the 1500s that may be broadly grouped under a “radical” reformation but not all of those preached individualism and self-sufficiency and a wild west of “just construct something according to what I want to believe”. For example, the modern day direct descendants of the original anabaptists, the Mennonites, Amish, and Hutterites,always held to a strong “community hermeneutic”—that interpretation of scripture was properly done within the community of believers, where the “testing of the ideas” and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit could operate in a group for proper discernment and balance, not in isolation in one’s own closet. The goal of those early anabaptists was to reclaim the beliefs and practices of the early church as portrayed by the scriptures themselves, i.e., to follow your practice #2— not a “wild west” anything goes.

Thanks for that. The main difference appears to me to be that Brown(e)ite Pilgrims followed in their later turncoat leader’s peeing outside the tent, whereas Puritans peed from the inside. Browne was heavily influenced by Puritanism to say the least. They both peed from the same direction. Calvinism.

I used to attend the church where Browne is buried.

And nobody was as radical as Jesus.

Not sure I follow, but assume it is something like LBJ’s remark:
“…President Lyndon B. Johnson’s description of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. According to the late David Halberstam, writing in The New York Times on October 31, 1971, President Johnson said, “Well, it’s probably better to have him inside the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in.”

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