Dear Albert,
Let me give you timeline that goes along with my comments, and this is from the theory of Apocatastasis. 1) God created the hosts of Heaven and they lived in divine bliss for an eternity. 2) Lucifer becomes jealous of the King and campaigns to become the second king. 3) Once all have chosen sides, God instructs Michael to purge Heaven of the 1/3 who followed Lucifer. 4) After an eternity in Hell, Adam and Eve (2 of the 24 Elders) are chosen as a proxy for the fallen to be tested in the highest reaches of Hell (Paradise). 5) After the fall of Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:24), God creates the material universe to restore all of the fallen.
Every soul that is born was created divine, and then spent an eternity in Hell. Created in God’s image and then corrupted. And now we are in the middle of our restoration. It took me a long time to stretch my imagining to encompass these multiple eternities. Needless to say, 13.7 billion years is a small fraction of the timeline since God and His Son lived alone in Heaven (John 1:1).
Does that help you to understand why I see no conflict with divine and corrupt? That envy and pride sprouted from Free Will and only through Free Will can restoration be complete.
Best Wishes, Shawn