If We Are To View Creation Scientifically, Should We View End Times Scientifically?

I feel that the description of the end times should be taken as the description of creation. Real events were revealed to an individual who must interpret these events in the context of their current understanding based on their individual experiences. Neither is recorded using the scientific method and neither had the goal of recording historical events to current standards for historical records.

The primary point of either account is to reveal the glory of God. These accounts provide the information needed to place the events in the content of scripture.

It is not that I fail to grasp the concept of heaven containing a universe of stars all of it’s own. I do not think that is the meaning of Revelations. For one reason it is borderline placing other beings created or not equal with God. There is no indication that they were survivors of a previous physical iteration. The only physical changes mentioned was during Noah’s Flood. The council of God could easily refer to physical beings created on the 6th day. Claiming anything about Satan specifically outside of the Bible is either the fabled “hidden knowledge”, or human speculation. This hidden knowledge sounds suspiciously human speculation as well.

That interpretation is not lost on me. I accept that Gentiles through the Faith of Abraham could become part of those humans redeemed in Christ even before Jesus was born. It is not just an example of what God allowed. It actually happened. I do not think it was just the fact they could be converted Jews. It is a personal decision. Not just one that results in a physical experience. If one just goes through a physical experience for the benefit of others, I think they are missing the point. Something on the inside or spiritually has to come first. Unless universalism is true, and we have to work it out all the way to the last second. If Jesus settled it once and for all, why burden oneself past ones own ability to secure what has already been finished?

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