ID Censors Their Own

Honestly it sounds like you are seeing people as machines, even in this quote. Of course we make analogies between living systems and machines, language, technology, etc. That is how humans work. We reason about often this way. You, however, seem to think the there is not analogy, that this is actually describing the reality.

You say, DNA is actually a language, no metaphor, right? The only differences between humans and machines are because we are much more brilliantly engineered. Right?

I’m fine with using the metaphors, but you seem to be taking them very literally. I am not comfortable with that. It leads to very poor thinking, and in the case of calling humans and example of technology, it makes me ethically and theologically squeemish.

I don’t think I’m being silly here.

@deliberateresult, do you at least concede that in all these cases this is all just analogies? That there isn’t a this strong equivalence that you seem to be arguing for at times? If so, that would put me at ease. If not, I’m glad I raised the point, and I just can’t go there with you.