"I didn't know the Tigris was that old..."

Was Jesus talking about exegesis of Genesis? I guess I better reread that. :wink:

Have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

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A blessed christmas to you as well!

I figured that one semi-quote-mined Bible passage deserves another! :wink:

Perhaps read ā€œThe Lost World of Genesis Oneā€ by John Walton. I believe he explains Genesis 1 as setting up Godā€™s spiritual kingdom, and not an earthly one.

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Thanks, Sherry.

Itā€™s almost embarrassing being a regular contributor on this forum and admitting I havenā€™t read Walton yet, but I havenā€™t. Itā€™s high time!

Back to the Tigris. Textual analysis readily shows that Gen 2:10-14 Garden of Eden story is a later insertion by the editor combining the two different creation narratives. The function is to show that all waters, and thus life, originate in the Garden. This aligns the earlier Gen 2 parochial narrative with the later Gen 1 universal narrative so both show God as being the divinity of the universe. The late David Neiman of Boston College made a cogent case for this almost half a century ago. So this reference to the Tigris thus dates from the time of the redaction in the Persian period. Cheers.


Hereā€™s a novel thought.
How about telling her that you simply donā€™t believe the bible, and that you have convinced yourself that people know more than God does.
This will keep you in line with the statement youā€™d made, regarding not sure if you are able to answer the question she may have, while allowing her to still believe that God knows more than people do.

I havenā€™t read Walton either.

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Merry Grinchmas to you!

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You do realize, right, that this style of discussion doesnā€™t actually help anyone?

If I were hanging onto faith for dear life, this sort of comment would actually push me away from faith. See, people who have ceased believing in the Bible (of which I am not one, thank God!) canā€™t just one day up and decide to believe it. Itā€™s not that easy. Meanwhile, caustic, smart alecky comments on the internet just make them decide church must just not really be the place for them. After all, church folks are evidently simplistic, unwelcoming, judgmental folks who never suffer from doubt and so maybe thereā€™s no place for doubters amongst such a holy crowd.

Luckily for you, my faith is actually pretty strong!

[Edit: typo]

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If weā€™re confessing, Iā€™ve never read The Language of God.

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Heresy! Build the bonfire!
Seriously, I am constantly reminded here of how limited my reading experience has been. I have been pretty all consumed in my primary profession, and it is a real joy to be exposed to many of the theologians and such that just never get mentioned in Baptist circles.



Baptists? Never heard of 'em ā€¦

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