Metro-Man at Grand Central Terminal today handing out masks this morning.
(I didn’t take this picture–I won’t be going to NYC until church is open for Sunday services!)
I’ve proposed that we post, “Take away 3 lb for mask weight” by our scales at the front of the office. It will make everyone feel better! (kidding, but I got a positive reaction from my partners).
It is funny to watch people take off their flip flops before getting on the scale
You mean we can’t just whip up a vaccine?!
Maybe if we offer them a Wii as an incentive?
Is that related to Huawei? Both the UK and the US are boycotting their products now. “Wii Huawei” makes for nice alliteration, anyway. And since Wiis are made in China…
And contact lenses?
I’d be surprised if anyone at all would say “but that can’t happen here!”
Can you hold my glasses and pen?
But honestly, when I was losing weight I would never weigh myself except in the morning before dressing, showering or eating but after another important bodily process.
I would have asked if I could get that in writing.
Oh, but you being a doctor no one could read it. NM.
And excuse me for a moment while I take out my contact lenses.
You and @beaglelady.
Great minds …
I would have thought the moral would be to always watch your a**.
There are too many others around triggering land mines, so the best way to watch mine is to watch them. (And stay well clear of any not wearing a mask.)
Wrong conversation. That is not irony that’s funny. (That was not a sincere complaint. )