Maybe it should have said ‘…for millennia.’
“Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!”
― Martin Luther
So German.
To the core.
Reminds me of one of my favourite quotes:
“The church is near but the road is icy; the pub is far, but I will walk carefully.” ~ Anonymous
In another conversation…
I didn’t think it would have been helpful in the context to point out that the green light is just the artist’s visualization of the X-ray beam from above and that there is a horizontal star-shaped piece of lead enclosed in the cylinder.
And then there are N-rays. What shape would they produce in this example?
I just decided what is really wrong is the levitating cylinder, especially with lead in it.
Whatever you want?
The scenario could be taking place in earth orbit - on board the space station.
That needs to be specified in the meme!
I’m my opinion the setting of the meme is open to a range of interpretations…
Not sure if this is the right place for it, but . . .
This is kind of freaky – it’s a video a friend sent me with the comment that the frontmost singer could be my twin if I were nineteen years old again… which was eerie enough I just had to share it (freeze it at 1:01 and that’s a darned close match to my yearbook pic)!
I was lead tenor for our college choir; I think I sang that well!
Well, I’ll find out how I do in the college choir. If nothing else, I’m pretty confident from what one of the music professors said (about it being great that I was interested because of how hard it is to find good basses at my age) that I will have the lowest range of anyone there (essentially, I’m a basso profundo with a wide range). I can hit the Bb below soprano high C during a warm-up but anything above the F above middle C is really tiring, often inaccurate, and sounds degressively more shrieky. In the other direction, I can hit E0 (below the bottom of a piano), but anything below G1 (an octave below the bass clef) tends towards a growl and doesn’t have much volume.
It’s a cult. Once you’re in, they won’t let you make any changes.
At least it’s not docx.
I’ve lately had fun trying to figure out how to add gutter margins to a PDF (some of the campus computers that I can use have the pay version) to get the formatting right for publishing it as the contents of a book.
Yes, it did work, and yes the book is now published.
Bing puts it in second:
I like the notion of “number in excel” as a religion. That formatting system is definitely a demonic cult (“I will do what I have been told to by my master. I will ignore all user directions unless told three times.”, etc.)