Humor in Science and Theology


How is such a vague logo “backwards”? Maybe it’s just upside down?

The double helix is backwards. See Double Helix (
Wish Francis Collins could see this!

I wouldn’t call it “backwards”. The two backbones are out of phase with one another. But an accurate depiction would be hard to simplify into a logo.

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See Double Helix (
Look at the direction the strands go in.

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It’s backwards like left- and right-handed threads on a screw. Right-handed is ‘normal’:



Thanks for the diagrams. We don’t want to be screwed up, do we?

btw, did you know that Francis Collins has a diagram of DNA on the finger board of his guitar?

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You don’t typically run into left-handed threads, but one place that you might have seen them is on a turnbuckle. If you look at it closely, the left side is left-handed (conveniently ; - ), the right is right:


That got me to looking – stringed instrument tuning is another place you might run into left-handed threads:

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Yes, for guitars. For violin, viola, cello, etc. simple wooden pegs in a peg box do just fine.


Well, the two places I run into left handed threads is the old style propane tank hose fittings, and when you replace the flush lever in a toilet tank, the nut on the inside of the tank has left handed threads.


I had the same thought. :+1:

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This snafu reminds me of the Atlas of Creation, an expensive-looking anti-evolution book by Muslim creationist Harun Yahya. He had it sent it out to biology teachers free of charge. Of course, most of the information in the book is wrong. How wrong? Well for some of the pictures of flies, etc. he used pictures of fishing lures and didn’t even bother to remove the hooks! (And he stole some of the photos to boot.)

Check it out: Atlas of Creation

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I still run into left handed threads for many of the gas regulators I use at work. The key is to look for the notch on the nut. That tells you it is left handed.




I never knew the notch had meaning! Thanks!

Does that really exist? Can I order one? That’s hilarious!


Why does that not carry the Trump brand? Serious question.


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