How to respond?

True. God only cares about animals.

Looks like Jay Wile is the author of that one. I used several of his textbooks in high school, including for chemistry, but I don’t think it was that one. I remember liking the conversational tone of it, which helped me to enjoy chemistry more than I thought I would (in my situation, textbooks had to work like a textbook and a teacher all in one). He is definitely a young-earth creationist though.

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Not according to ID apparently. On the basis of genome lengths God cares far more about plants.

God created the onion so He would have something to do while he was bored.

Heh – that’s “moot”. A “mute” point would be one that can’t be talked about.


In other words, as usual YEC depends on lies.

I kept wondering if at the top of the page it said, “Dear Diary”.

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In this case, at least some of the ENCODE researchers (and their press releases) were complicit in spreading confusion.


Did your daughter notice that? Is much of the book like that or is it reputable chemistry otherwise? That looks to me like an out of sight out of mind thing. Bringing it to a readers attention is exactly that, giving it air time it shouldn’t.

There are some amazing intelligent people that believe in a young earth. It strikes me as odd but I suppose it’s the same with inerrancy. Doctrinal blinders, peer pressure, our personal experiences and so on make us believe things we probably otherwise wouldn’t. I wouldn’t make an issue of the passage unless it’s bothering your daughter.

It’s like when crazy fans run on the football field. As a rule they don’t show them on live tv.

Thank you! I tried to wrap my mind around your article, and I really appreciate you writing and linking it.

It is an assigned textbook. I am trying to read it as my daughter goes through it, because of this very reason. I think the info about the textbook is posted a few posts down (they found it!).

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Yes, it is the friendliest science textbook I’ve ever read, but also very casual (as has been noted!) and explicitly YEC!

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This is a valid point. Wish I would have read this before I blasted all my concerns at her this afternoon. As I was raised in the Dobson-literal-7-Day era (educated for many years in a tiny, Abeka Christian school), I am starting to wrestle with this issue as I homeschool/co-school my kids and recalibrate how I understand origins. I really do NOT want them growing up with the understanding that salvation = YEC and evolution = direct path to hell. Both my husband and I are much more comfortable with the Biologos position, but our kids’ teachers are still all YEC (as many homeschoolers are), so sometimes I have to proceed carefully. I so, so appreciate all the interesting insights all you (who are a lot smarter than me!) offer on this forum.


Jessica, here is a video that explains how the evolutionary model is based on converging lines of evidence from several major areas of study like embryonic development, genetics, comparative anatomy, the fossil record and the geographical distribution of species. In each case, the model predicts certain things and that is indeed what we see.


Joel Duff’s youtuve channel is a great resource. His videos are aimed more at hign school or undergrad aged people, but not everything. He is an excellent teacher, and has a wide variety of types of videos on his channel. I’m sure there are many other good youtubers.

Are you familiar with Biologos’s Integrate program? You might consider buying all or some of it to suppliment your (poorly written! YEC) stuff.

This book from BL is very good, more for college, but there is a lot you could take from it when teaching yoir kids.

Unfortunately the price has really shot up in the last few years. My copy was only $50. You could get a used copy and save a bit. The Kindle version seems to have serious flaws according to the reviews, so I wouldn’t recommend it.
You may also be able to borrow it from a library!

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