How I Discovered, as a Scientist, that God is Real

Your use of the word METAPHOR is incorrect. These statements are literally true, based on spiritual/supernatural power or authority, which co-exists with physical/natural power. However, since you deny the reality of the supernatural, you only half perceive reality.

All of existence is like all of brain power, with right-brain and left-brain activities operating differently. It would be impossible to carry on a conversation with a person who chose to de-activate one hemisphere of his brain. It is also impossible to carry on a conversation with a person who has chosen to de-activate half of his perception, to deny the reality of spiritual power.

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I don’t think so.

For one thing, the spiritual (non-physical) is not half of reality. Not even close. God is spirit and God is infinite. Thus compared to the spiritual, the physical/natural universe is insignificant. It is womb only, for the conception and maturation of the human spirit through the self-organizing phenomenon of life.

I explained why these 5 things are metaphors by showing the limits of those metaphors. Without addressing these your refutation is empty of content.

  1. Are you claiming that God is powerless in the face of the demands of a kidnapper and that the devil can thus make a demand for payment from God?
  2. Are saying that Jesus is our patsy, and that it is a proper system of justice that lets criminals have innocent people pay for their crimes. And includes wiling people because the mob has certainly done that before – getting innocent people to confess to crimes for monetary compensation.
  3. You uphold the validity of the religion of the Aztecs and Mayans, which believed that human sacrifice has a magical power.
  4. On this one I could actually agree if you had confirmed the idea of Adam being our memetic ancestor rather than a genetic ancestor. Then there is little difference between our adoption and the original adoption of Adam and Eve as God’s children.
  5. On this one you have a point also for there are many medical procedures which do no remove all problems instantaneously but simply set the patient on the road to recovery.

I hope you don’t mind, @maggie777, that I’ve been using your name, hopefully not in vain. :slightly_smiling_face:

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