How do we deal with very scary claims about the origins of Monotheism and God?

With the end of henotheism the old gads became demons as Paul said. The difference I would say is that the gods had free will so they could be judged. Demons and angels do not.

Foreign gods were understood as potentially being demons as far back as Deuteronomy 32. This was not a new idea in Paul’s time.

They stirred him to jealousy with strange gods; with abominations they provoked him to anger. They sacrificed to demons that were no gods, to gods they had never known, to new gods that had come recently, whom your fathers had never dreaded.

Demons and angels do not have free will? You’ll have to explain that if you don’t mind… that is completely new to me.

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Having free will means having the ability to think for onese34lf and the ability to change one’s mind. Angels are literally messengers, which means they run errands for God. They do not do anything on their own accord.

Demons, if they had free will should be able to “convert” to good beings, but their is no evidence that any has ever done so. They have no power to do anything, only lie and deceive, which does not require free will.

Interesting view. It contrasts to the idea I had that demons were angels that rebelled against God, with Satan as their chief. I have to admit, I have a very fluid concept of demons, at times feeling that they are the anthropological expression of our own inner evil tendencies, but accepting at times they may be independent agents, as illustrated by Jesus the demons out and their entering the swine. Angels as messengers perhaps I have a more concrete idea, with them being material manifestations of God’s will, but it is still a mystery to me as to their exact nature.

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Maybe we should all have a book club on that new Walton book he mentioned in the podcast.


This looks to be right in your wheelhouse, Christy.

Another path is possible. What if references to demons in the Bible are similar to references about the shape and structure of the cosmos representing the beliefs familiar to the ancient audience but used only as a framework for teaching about the plans and purposes of God? This approach is here worked out through detailed examination of hermeneutical method, the ancient Near Eastern and Greco-Roman contexts, each of the biblical terms and passages, and the essentials of biblical and systematic theology. Unlike many scholarly treatments of demons, readers will not find an assessment of the metaphysical realities. Instead they will be introduced to a hermeneutical, exegetical, and theological feast regarding what the Bible, understood in its ancient context, teaches.

  • From the Amazon description.

Dear Roger,
The enlightened Greeks depicted Satan as Poseidon, the ruler of the bitter sea of fallen angels. Referring back to the waters under the firmament (Gen 1:6). Using the same imagery, they depicted Aphrodite emerging from the bitter sea. The fallen mate to Gabriel who stood by Lucifer, the whore of Babylon (Ezekiel 23), emerged from the realm of Satan.

The enlightened Greeks named their capital city after the younger sister, Athena. She too turned away from Satan and started her journey back to God. They saw them both as heroes in the battle against Satan, and examples for everyone to follow.
You remember that it was Justinian who made the belief in the restoration of the demons anathema, providing evidence that this belief existed in early Christianity.
Best Wishes, Shawn

I’ll definitely look at that on Kindle, as the print version is a bit pricey.

@Daniel_Fisher and Phil,

The Bile says that humans, unlike angels. are created in the Image of God. In my understanding an important aspect of the Image of God is free will, the ability to make decisions for oneself, although we often do not use this ability.

Psalm 8:4-5 (NIV2011)
4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
5 You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.

In Psalm 8:5 the psalmist David says that YHWH created humans a little lower than Elohim in the Hebrew Bible, which is the usual word for God. In the Greek Bible (LXX) the translation is angels as it is here. However the translation “a little lower than God” makes more sense because it is consistent with the rest of the OT and a little lower than God means the same as made in the Image of God.

Humans are created in the Image of God with the ability to think, to act, and to love, a little less than God so we can be God’s Viceroy. See my essay, God and Freedom on

This is fallacious. The Bible describes humans as being in the image of God. It does not positively claim that angels are not the image of god, unless you want to point me to a passage I am missing? Essentially, the Bible simply does not describe the creation of angels in any great detail, and does not speak to whether they were or were not also made in some manner imago dei. It is fallacious to claim evidence of absence based on absence of evidence.

Further, I cannot follow the logic in the idea that, because some angels freely chose never to rebel against God, while some angels freely chose to so rebel, that they do not have free will. Further, the fact that God has seemingly not offered a path to redemption to those fallen angels has no logical bearing on whether they currently do, or ever did, have free will.

God has not offered me the ability to fly, so that is one choice I cannot make, granted. It does not follow from this that I cannot make free choices in the other areas wherein I have the ability to make real choices.

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Hebrew chapters 1&2 address this question to say that angels are servants not sons, not to sit at his right hand, not creating the world for them.

Hebrew2: 6“What is man that thou art mindful of him,
or the son of man, that thou carest for him?
7 Thou didst make him for a little while lower than the angels,
thou hast crowned him with glory and honor,
8 putting everything in subjection under his feet.”

Many have thought that this putting everything (of creation) in subjection to man is the very meaning being created in God’s image. We are like God in our creative abilities and our ability to see the universe down to the smallest particle and the farthest galaxy, and the ability to seek an understanding of them. To be sure God made the angels knowledgeable and powerful, but to us he gave us the ability to become more with growth and learning so that we would surpass the angels in an eternal relationship of life where there is no end to what we can receive and no end to what God can give – that is the eternal relationship is the ultimate meaning of being created in the image of God. The angels are simply what God made them to be and will never be any more than that.

If God wanted us to fly He would have given us wings? God gave us the ability to become more through growth and learning. By that he gave us everything including the ability to learn how to fly.


Really? That is what you are leading with?

Yah is a double play on words: bread and breath.

Yah-avah may very well be a reference to a dual gendered godhead.

Keep going Joy. Hold on no matter how the realization of cultural evolution develops. And it can’t stop now.

Many of us have been there, are with you. Released from the comforting bondage of ignorance to the terrifying freedom of true ignorance.

There is one historical, forensic, documented, scientific fact remaining. The early Church, starting from a decade after the time of the story it is reacting to, was real and up and running and continues to this day. The early letters of Paul are real. Dwell on that.

And dwell on the QUALITY of the story Joy. The QUALITY, the divine intelligence in the Pericope Adulterae even though no one knows where it came from, late. The Holy Spirit has the lightest of touches. The quality abounds, from Cana to render unto Caesar and Eloi eloi, lama sabachthani and beyond.

Do you want it to be true? It can be.

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To me it’s not scary at all.

I believe that by the time a species arose, such as only ours, that could reason with spirituality and God reached out to them that there was other spiritual beings in existence.

The Bible refers to different angels as the Prince of this or that person or nation. As conflict arose created by enochian angels and “satanic” angels people would simply had a bad prince over them. They would praise their prince. As time went on their prince was called their God and some were better than others and so they begin to pray to many. They also begin to make up their own and coincidences would draw them in.

As time went God reached out to his creation and called remnants back to him such as with Abraham and Moses. God let them know he was the one true God. The God of gods. The creator of the gods. Not just simply the most powerful one. They saw his power and feared and loved him.

Lucky you. It’s very, very scary.

I’m coming late to this particular party, but want to thank you, Christy, for posting the link to the John Walton book, which I’ve just ordered. Thanks, too, for the summary you posted, @MarkD.

I’ve noticed that every book in the New Testament treats demons and spirits differently, and there’s a wide range of theological usage. On the one extreme, there’s Revelation, a pure apocalypse, with all that entails about good versus evil. On the other end are parts of the Letter of James plus the Gospel of Mark. The unclean spirits in Mark (not evil spirits, just unclean) may be a metaphor for what happens to the inner self when we swallow harmful beliefs about God. The harmful beliefs affect our “inner paths” and make it difficult for some of us to be open to God’s word (parable of the sower in Mark 4). But when we follow in Jesus’ footsteps, the unclean spirit becomes cleansed, and the “demons” of false belief no longer drive us to endorse behaviours that harm our relationship with God.

Anyone who has ever struggled with the urges of addiction will understand why an ancient author such as Mark might have described these urges as an unclean spirit or “inner demon.” Addiction makes you feel as if you don’t have free will and are being forced into doing things you don’t really want to do. So when you find a mentor (such as Jesus) who can help free you from addiction and help you restore your trust in your own free will, it feels like redemption.

In the context of the Hellenistic world, where a lot of cultural and religious practices (e.g. slavery, treatment of women and children, attitudes towards sexuality) would have damaged the brain-soul nexus, it’s quite likely that many individuals were suffering greatly from issues we would today put under the umbrella of major mental health (treatable in many instances by knowledgeable professionals, especially when such professionals are open to guidance from God). We know today that telling people they’re full of sin and possessed by evil entities (notwithstanding those who continue to perform exorcisms) does nothing to help them recover a sense of wellness and wholeness in their relationship with God. But in the Gospel of Mark, we see a Jesus who believes that anyone who is struggling with the pain of an “unclean spirit” is worthy of healing, not punishment or banishment or neverending shame.

It was really quite a radical notion.


How would a mental health professional be guided by God, Jennifer?

So the manifestly human Son of God was coterminous with God the Son?

Really? You have to ask how human beings are guided by God? Any human being – and that includes health care professionals – can make the choice to be open to God’s guidance every day in matters both great and small.

I rely constantly on God’s guidance, not because I think I’m an idiot – and not because I think God thinks I’m an idiot – but because I know God always sees the bigger picture I don’t have access to. So allowing my intuition to be a part of my decision-making process – not instead of my reason but added to my reason – adds more perspectives that can lead to better outcomes.

I personally know some physicians who are happy to receive a nudge in the right direction when it comes to deciding which treatment to choose to help individual patients. (God knows it’s getting harder and harder for physicians to know which treatment is best for which patient.) Again, just to be clear, the nudge doesn’t replace one’s training and professional experience, but is another helpful piece in the decision-making process.

If you haven’t personally felt this kind of nudge, then I can understand why you might be suspicious. But it happens all the time.

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Aye Jennifer, really. In choosing health professionals, including mental health, and I have chosen the very best, their religious beliefs have never, thank God, been apparent.