How do Christians present the teleological argument for God's existence in an era where abiogenesis and evolution are so widely accepted?

Of relevance to the thread, and somewhat tangential to the point in the quote, (this is also a useful passage to point out to anyone claiming that the idea of an old earth was to support evolution):


This is from Michael Tuomey’s Report on the Geology of South Carolina (pp. 58-59), from 1848. The immediately prior pages argue against Lamarkian evolution, and for the best-fit model of the time, individual creation of species, but note that there are some components of the fossil record that look somewhat like Lamarkian-style evolution. [To avoid a bad counter-argument for a third time, the geologist who died in 1857 was not the same person as the Tammany Hall politician who was still active in the 1870s.]

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