in answer to your comment, i will try to be as simple as i possibly can…although im struggling to find a simpler way of putting this so that the incredibly intelligent individuals here are able to grasp a fundamentally simple statement that is way below their level of intelligence…
Chist spoke the words - falsifying Christie’s comment about biology…Christ is God…it wasnt a human who spoke the words and Christ (God) most definately does know all about Biology…he created the idea of Humans having sex with each other (and animals obviously)
Christ uses historical evidences in order to answer the “trap” presented to him by the pharases.
Christ says, Moses wrote the comand about divource…therefore Christ is clearlly acknowledging the belief that Moses is a real person who existed and wrote things down
Christ says, He (God) made them (man and women) as male and female from the begining of Creation. Christ is acknowledging the Genesis Chapter 1 account…he is specifically stating that HUMAN FROM THE BEGINIING OF CREATION HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MALE AND FEMALE!
Now the argument put to me earlier…“oh that means humans were created first” is stupid and not even relevant. Christ is talking specifically about the creation of man and women here (because the context is marriage between man and women)…so he isnt referring to the first day of creation week…he is referring to the day of creation week in which Adam and Eve were made (Day 6). Prior to Day 6 in creation week, there is not mention of man and women. The cockup here from the earlier comment is that that individual thinks creation in the bible went for millions of years…if one is going to persist with that argument, then creation is still ongoing 4.54 billion years later…i find absolutely no biblical support for that given im yet to find a bible writer who has spoken of creation/origins in present tense. They all talk of creation /origins as a past event. (i know we have bible texts that talk about all creation groaning…that is obviously an existing creation…not an origins of new creation/s. The only new creation/origins i see in the bible is when the new heavens and new earth are created in Revelation 21 when sin is purged from existence.
What suprises me is that someone has not presented the argument that allows for beginning of creation + male and female = theistic evolutionary belief that we came from a primordial soup in a manner not diametically opposed to what Christ has stated in Mark 10. TEism must have a theologically supported answer to this
A TEist cannot be Christian without bible texts…in this case, texts that support their views with regards to Mark 10:6!
It really worries me when “Christians” have practically no biblical references for their belief. Surely individuals here must have something more than the “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”?
Is that all your religion amounts to…the morality of a works based salvation?
How can an individual love the lord God with all their heart if they dont have a clue who and what God is or what God wants? Isnt that the point of the Old Testament? If we dont believe what God has told us in the old testament is real, then how can we believe God is real…we cant even see him, we cant test him scientifically, the incarnation was a miracle which cannot be tested in a lab…in that case, what is faith scientifically?