I am. But perhaps on another thread as you may have interest or time. That is a topic that is perennially revisited here, and rightly so.
For what it’s worth, I think you’ve shown exemplary patience among what many would probably think of as a critical, if not hostile audience for some of the views discussed. And I think we also must plead guilty as charged regarding having “hair-trigger” reactions against what will often appear to be anti-evolutionary arguments of one or another kind. This forum can become something like a “Whack-a-mole” exercise in the minds of those who have had to repeat necessary refutations many times, and then inevitably some proposal gets the mallet in an abrupt, unceremonious fashion. This is neither to condemn nor endorse such “mallet action” (it is often needed and appropriate), but only to say thanks for the reminder that there is often depth and nuance to questions and objections that we may pass over too easily.