I wouldn’t presume to second guess the way you think about Creation, but since you are asking questions like this, perhaps some of my thoughts will help you see that there are diverse ways of arriving at worship of a Creator.
With respect to Romans 1:20, I am a spiritual being in addition to being a physical organism. I can look at a beautiful sunset and say “Wow! That speaks of an awesome Creator”. That part is faith - I cannot fully explain it. I can also delve into the science of sunsets and learn about light, diffraction, water vapour, etc. For that matter, I can probe neurobiology and learn about eyes and brains and the amygdala and oxytocin. This science has great value to humanity. It can explain a lot about why the sunset gives me a sense of wonder. However, even if I was totally unaware of that, I would still say “Wow! That speaks of an awesome Creator”.
I could list examples of deep theorems of mathematics. My spiritual part says “Wow! An awesome Creator designed the universe so that that is true”. But I could also go through the details of a proof. That also has great value, but the details will contain a lot of ordinary steps. (Although one could appreciate beauty in the arc of the proof).
Finally, to relate this back to Evolutionary Biology, I can look at the grandeur of life and say “Wow! That speaks of an awesome Creator”. I can also delve into the scientific Theory of Evolution and see beauty in that. (However I wouldn’t pretend to know those details in the depth of many people on this forum).