Honoring our brothers and sisters

I understand exactly what you mean. There’s one article in particular that contains a message that I really think YECs need to hear – the blog post “Can Young Earth Creationists Find Oil?” on Jonathan Baker’s Age of Rocks blog. It makes the point very clearly that old-earth dating is not motivated by anti-God ideologies, but simply by a desire to find oil. Unfortunately it starts off far too confrontational in tone for me to be able to share it on Facebook.

Another problem I have stems from my work as a software developer – a profession where it’s considered perfectly acceptable to tell someone that they’re wrong in very forceful terms. In fact, this is even considered by some to be a form of respect, because at least they’re taking the time to teach you to get it right rather than just fobbing you off with a four-letter instruction to consult the documentation. You get used to it after a while, but it can be really intimidating at first, and many YECs would probably be completely bowled over by it. It’s all too easy for me to forget that, especially when you’re discussing it over the Internet where you don’t get the non-verbal feedback on how they’re reacting to what you’re saying.

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