Hi. I’m new to Biologos and have a question

Yes Chris–send it over!

I was taking about a SCIENTIFIC publication not the spin some lying journalist chooses to write. I couldn’t find one but only such a publication can tell us what the scientists really said.

From Larry Moran at Sandwalk

There was a lot of talk about punctuated equilibria at the Chicago meeting and how the ideas of Eldredge and Gould conflicted with the gradualism that was part of traditional Darwinian evolution.

When I took biology in high school and had the theory of evolution explained to me it took me less than 24 hours to realize that this is not something that would happen at a steady pace but would be greatly accelerated in remnant populations on the brink of extinction – exactly when you are highly unlikely to find any fossils. Punctuated equilibrium thus is an immediate logical derivative of the basic principle of natural selection and no scientist at the conference would have suggested otherwise.

This is typical creationist methodology based on grasping for anything which can be used to support your beliefs. There is no more interest in honesty than with a defense attorney. It is all about proving your case no matter what. Science doesn’t work that way.


I quoted a source that quoted: “science.sciencemag.org!” And again, this “Punctuated equilibrium” is NEVER observed among the octillions of animals on Earth today! It is just as much a farce as the other evolutionary theories! None of them has EVER EVER EVER been seen to happen! No animal can possibly EVER evolve a body plan different from the one it has! And that’s why, among the octillions of animals on Earth today, it’s NEVER been seen! If if ever happens, which is impossible genetically, let me know!

Back to the “were you there?” argument. I wasn’t at the battle of Waterloo, but I’m pretty sure it happened. Silliness on steroids.

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Out of the multiple octillions of animals that have existed over the past, let’s go with two thousand years, NOBODY has ever seen an animal give birth to an animal unlike itself. EVERYTHING we KNOW, tells us Genesis is correct by saying God created the different “kinds” of animals, without evolution involved. People reported seeing “the battle of Waterloo,” but NOBODY has EVER reported seeing an animal give birth to a different “KIND” of animal.

I think you misunderstand the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis (PE), Mike. PE contends that changes that require millions of generations under stable conditions might take place in hundreds of thousands of generations during periods of great environmental changes.

No scientist is suggesting that you would notice any changes in the course of a lifetime or even hundreds of lifetimes.

I appreciate your openness to learning more about the biological sciences. I am hoping that someone else reading in this thread can make a few suggestions. If not, I hope to do so this weekend. I appreciate your patience in the meantime.

Grace and peace,

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My point is that neither extremely slow (Darwinian) evolution nor much faster, though not extremely fast, (PE) are being seen anywhere! The entire sequence of octillions of transitional forms that should be here if any type of evolution were going on, is simply missing, pointing strongly to Creation without evolution. We don’t have an Earth full of transitional animals, and since it’s such a slow process, octillions should be here at all times! Or do you expect us to believe it used to happen, but we live in a time when it doesn’t? And don’t forget, it’s known from the fossil record that animals didn’t change for millions of years!
Modern bees were in Patagonia 100 million years ago! For one thing, it must be admitted that there’s no reason to disbelieve any part of Genesis! Again see my “Local Creationism and the Statement of Fact View” here.

I think this is a pretty important finding … buried within one of the hundreds of YouTube videos on Evolution ! A one-celled animal feeds on algae cells by engulfing them… but every once in a while an algae cell refuses to die… and helps both cells survive in different kinds of extreme environments.

Protists that fed on algae cells swallowed some that would not be digested and did not die… and they were lucky they did! Those algae cells helped the Protists survive starvation - - and provide an exquisite example of how life forms can dramatically change in just a generation!

[The image immediately below is my highlighted image from the video. The video’s link is below!]

That video, sad to say, was useless in proving any type of evolution from one animal into another and gave no examples of such a thing! The constant use of the word “MAY” is extremely revealing, showing they do not KNOW how any animal can do the genetically impossible and in some unknown way, produce an animal with a different body plan! In fact, this video doesn’t even attempt to show an example! I only go by “TRUE SCIENCE,” not a science that shows no examples and and keeps saying “MAY.” It MAY be that green toads with purple eyes became lions! When “MAY” is used any silliness can be stated! There are no KNOWN transitional forms on Earth now or in the fossil record. That is a FACT! The very best any evolutionist can do is to say that in some unknown, unobserved way, against ALL THE KNOWN SCIENCE OF GENETICS, an animal (any animal), gave birth to an animal with a different body plan! No matter how many generations, the genetically impossible, ALWAYS remains so! All attempts to PROVE an animal can get here other than being directly created by God have failed miserably! It’s telling that you had to rely on a video that had nothing to do with my assertion that “NO ANIMAL CAN EVER GIVE BIRTH TO AN ANIMAL OTHER THAN ONE WITH THE SAME BODY-PLAN IT HAS!” If anyone can overturn that fact, I will grant that evolution is possible! So far in 55 years of asking, nobody has ever produced proof of how the impossible could ever happen! Instead ALL I’ve ever read tells us TRUE SCIENCE cannot allow for such an absurdity! Let’s take for example, one of the famous “supposed,” “assumed” transitional forms, ARCHAEOPTERYX. True science would never say it’s a known transitional species! Why not? Twelve have been found in the fossil record. Does this point to them being created directly by God or to being transitional, having arrived by evolution? The FACT that no animals were found leading up to it, nor evolving away from it, strongly implies it was created and did not evolve! After all, can we expect that there would be 12 of them found and none of all of the generations around it??? God has created animals that we needed, like horses and honey bees. He created animals for us to enjoy, like dogs, cats, butterflies and birds. But He also created some animals just to show us what He can do, like the duck-billed platypuses, humming birds, dragon flies and archaeopteryxes! If we say God making man from the dust of the Earth and breathing into him the breath of life shows “evolution,” then we can make the Scriptures mean whatever we fancy! By sending this video, you changed the subject away from whether or not an animal can give birth to one with a different body-plan in an evolutionary chain! But I will not allow this attempted dodging the question! I am a Genesis/Creationist fanatic! Winston Churchill said, “A fanatic is someone who won’t change their mind and won’t let you change the subject!”


I have no idea what you think you are saying.

The study examines protists that have swallowed algae that refuses to die.

And so, in the process, when there wasn’t much to eat for the protists, the normal sugar production of the algae contributed to the survival of the surrounding protist.

And when there wasn’t enough sunlight, the swallowed algae was able to survive on what the protist processed in its normal metabolism.

Excellent information, but doesn’t have anything to do with the subject! You haven’t shown that any animal has given birth to another with a different body-plan, which is required if evolution ever happened, which is a genetic impossibility, regardless of what an animal swallows or what lives in it, the animal remains the same animal it was. Abraham Lincoln asked, “Say a horse has one less leg–how many legs does it have?” The answer given was “three.” But Abe said, “Four, because saying it has one less leg, doesn’t make it true!”

Evolutionary theory does not predict that one animal will evolve into another animal. Every animal will be the same species as its parents. It is only over long periods of time that species diverge and they do so as populations.

That is not a fact. You are misinformed.

No “evolutionist” would ever say anything close to “an animal gives birth to an animal with a different body plan.” The fact that you think this is an accurate depiction of what the theory says shows your complete ignorance of what it actually proposes. Please do not presume to come on a forum with scientifically literate people and spew this kind of nonsense. Either ask questions about what you clearly don’t understand, or go somewhere else with your ALL CAPS and exclamation points.




Don’t take this too personally, but I am way too busy to try to maintain a conversation with someone as militantly opposed to natural law as you are.

Have a great weekend.

That is an empty statement and fails to address the question at hand, which you are dodging because, it’s impossible for any animal, genetically-speaking, to ever produce an animal with a body-plan unlike itself. There are 10 quadrillion ants on Earth, all happy to be the kind of ants they are! There are 57 quadrillion spiders on Earth, all happy to be the kind of spiders they are! Arguing with evolutionists has made me an unhappy human, wanting to prove myself wrong by transitioning into a hualien! That way I can build a spaceship and get outta here!

Well, sorta: Think Twice About Sharing That Six-Legged Animal - Modern Farmer

Animals with extra limbs are not that terribly rare, evidently. But your point is taken, to some extent, though it seems these extra limbs are a throwback developmentally to the fin lines of our fishy ancestors in some cases.

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I think it’s understood that it cannot happen as part of an ongoing chain of evolutionary transitional forms! In other words, these anomalies do not lead anywhere! I don’t know enough about it to prove that they are not “throwback” examples. What I suspect is that some human genes were defective, and produced non-human parts! This seems to be the case because, the anomalies are not passed down and therefore are not normal. If this were a “throwback” we’d expect to see it far more often.

If a different body-plan NEVER comes about, as you just admitted, then the same body plan ALWAYS continues in ALL offspring and no evolution from one animal to another ever happens! How do you propose that a new animal can come about if there’s never a change in body-plan at any point? That is clearly bunk!

This isn’t some closely guarded, embarrassing secret. As Christy said, it’s how evolution actually works, and so you are agreeing with evolutionists! Aside from a few anomalies that don’t get continued in the genetic line in any case, no animal is significantly different in body plan from either its parents or its children. Change is incremental - that is very slow; it happens to populations, not individuals; and it happens over eons of time, not within the span of civilizations. Even punctuated equilibrium still involves millions of years … i.e. “punctuated” or “sudden” in a geological sense, but still nothing close to the “child with a radically different body plan than its parents” scenario that you rightly reject.


I’m not going to waste my time on this. You’ve been here before spouting the exact same silliness about the 1980 conference and body plans. It does nothing to further any conversation.

One of our guidelines is don’t repeat the same thing over and over. This forum is not the appropriate place to vent your ignorance about evolutionary theory over and over again. If that is all you want to come here to do, your account is going to get suspended. Your choices are to either start a thread where you ask questions and try to learn something, actually address the OP here, or stop posting. You are free to present actual counter arguments, but EVOLUTION IS STUPID, is not a counter-argument and it is beneath the level of discourse we expect here.


Hi Vivi02,
Could I point you to the Faraday Institute: Telling A Better Story – Why Faith and Science Belong Together | Faraday. They have great thought provoking lectures, easily understandable. They may help wyou with your excellent searching questions. I too have been working through the metaphorical early Genesis accounts too. I’m learning that while evolution may be true and becoming more factual as evidence is uncovered, the Genesis accounts describe events in a way that any person can understand. Two good books you may also find very useful : The Genesis Enigma by Andrew Parker & Homo Lapsus by Niamh Middleton. Martin W