I think we can agree on that, so I take it Im not twisting scripture so much as having an uncouth interpretational method. lol
As I said above, if god says something about nature, it must be true, or he is a God who doesn’t know anything about nature. Genesis 1 is all about Nature. I see no way to avoid that.
Mervin wrote:
In any case, though, my objections written of so far here is on the general level of you not accepting that God accommodates to humanity in scriptures, which if consistently applied would reduce to absurdity countless passages. What I really suspect, though, is that you don’t consistently apply any thorough-going “non-accommodationism”
I have already said that when Elihu and his friends say things to Job, or the Witch of Endor says Samuel’s spirit is an Elohim, those are not in anyway to be taken as a statement of God or even inspired by God. I hope you don’t disagree with that.
But statements where God is quoted, are certainly problematical. In Genesis 1 you say God didn’t say anything false. Let’s look at 1:6. does God say there was a vaulted heaven? If so, He said something false. I don’t know how to avoid that conclusion. Now, one can take the view that he meant ‘spreading’, which raqia is sometimes translated as, and avoid the problem. Why? Well, loads of you accommodationalists will roll their eyes at this, but empty space expands because of quantum effects. It is interesting to me that the word with a root of expansion is used to describe that space. But, if you, like most accommodationalists I have discussed these things with, say it means a vaulted domed solid sky, well, Jehovah, doesn’t know cosmology, which would be a bad thing for the Creator. Then God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.
Mervin wrote:
On reflection of most of my exchanges here tonight, I seem to be putting a quite confrontational foot forward - which is perhaps questionable behavior (at best) for a moderator. I quite often set my ‘moderator’ hat aside here to function as just another participant. You seem to be taking it pretty well and are showing exemplary patience with me in that regard, and for that I thank you.
Over the years I have been called about every name in the book, so I have a thick skin. I do walk to a different drum and am not conventional by anyone’s definition. And I am used to standing up against the crowd, both in business and in theology debates. so, don’t worry about it.
I gave the The Lord said statement that I think you will have the most problem getting over the hump–the much cherished idea of the vaulted domed cosmology. lol but I have already given you an eisegetical escape path.