Good Biblical Fiction, or fiction with biblical themes

I’ve heard of “Lila” by Pirsig but not “Home” or “Jack”. Do I detect a tugging on my leg?

Sorry, Home is the second in the series and Lila the third. They are interesting in that the setting, time and many events are the same, but are seen through the eyes of different characters in each book.
Jack is a possible future book.

Well that is at least an interesting concept for a trilogy … or more.

You may be right that perhaps around here Lewis is a ‘given’. Or related to that, I’ll always sound like a broken record here singing the praises of any of George Macdonald’s novels (and I think I’ve read a good majority of them by now). I’d recommend ‘The Curate’s Awakening’ as a favorite, though any of his others aren’t far behind. And it’s the opposite of bleak if anybody just wants good wholesome Christian encouragement. [Not that exposure to ‘bleak’ is a bad or unnecessary thing to help deepen the maturing Christian’s faith.] But it won’t take you long to see why Lewis loved Macdonald and how the latter became such a profound influence on Lewis’ faith and the directions it took.

[And as an aside for anybody who may have a soft spot for romance … I would not have included myself in such a category … until I read Macdonald. And after hearing modern movie makers disparage the alleged lack of Romance among the likes of Tolkien and company … I’ll wager that compared to those giants of that era, today’s peddlers of the genre that goes by that name hardly know what real romance is.]


You might find this article series that Justin Taylor did at his Gospel Coalition blog. He asked a range of different Christians (pastors, theologians, writers etc) to recommend a novel every Christian should consider reading. It’s really good, and it’s where I came across the recommendation for Potok’s book I mentioned above.

I really like Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti. Especially the books by Peretti which are often horror focused. There is a book called “The Carpenter” by Jon Gordon that I enjoyed. It’s a short under 200 pages, book that reminds me of how folk tales and fairy tales and stories in general was used to show a lesson. It’s a fictional story that showcases personal and business ethics. Came across it by chance in the business book sections at the library.

There is another film called her, which is a very cool film in my opinion. Some believe that it’s mocking god but I feel like it’s more showcasing a certain feeling many have got about god in face of everything wrong in this planet.

As for why there is not many big screen Christian based films is probably because most films never are blockbusters. For every one film that does great and makes it to the theaters there are probably a thousand that just gets released to dvd or streamed.

For me even when a film is not Christian based I still often enjoy seeing its principles played out in films such as goodness overcoming evil, the weak overcoming the strong, and people choosing peace and goodness over bloodshed and revenge.

Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle’s Lucifer’s Hammer - it even features my cult and its founder by the same initials - HWA - big time.

Speaking of Tolkien, some have said how religious themes were not placed in LOTR, but this blogger has a series teasing some of them out. The link is to his latest entry, but if interested, you can go back to the first and read the rest.

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I’ve forgotten what your cult is (was?). Just the way my memory works more and more: here today, what were we talking about tomorrow.

The then Worldwide Church of God, which came in from the cold starting in '95

Started by Herbert W. Armstrong AKA Henry W. Armitage in N&P’s apocalyptic epic.

AHS 1984 talks about Christian based characters a lot lol… xd it’s not christian based though. I still really like it.

Graham Greene’s sublime The End of the Affair, with a superb film adaptation.

This is rightfully considered by many to be the greatest film ever made.

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