God taking His own time

A great point Matthew, and we would agree to that point of HIs likely delight. Since one of the main “beliefs” of BioLogos is that…“God created man in His own image”, then I would assume that we were a most important component of His creation, if not the primary goal (we do have a most special relationship with God that I doubt other animals and plants have). None of us could not possibly set up a hierarchy of importance to God. And since we believe that the methods of science are both important and reliable in our continued investigation, it feel proper to continue to raise questions, even if unanswerable. At least to me, the logic necessary to resolve these thoughts is beneficial to my faith.

Certainly not, at least for the moment! :slightly_smiling_face:
But just as we cannot fathom the time equation (whether reducing it to 234 hours, or a football field), we would agree that our existence of only the last 4 seconds (or last quarter of an inch) means that in another 200,000 years of our existence, we would only be up to 8 seconds or 1/2 inch. So no matter that time is not finished, the same point applies, to my mind anyway.

What you write is very clear, readable and logical to me. You must have debate and/or writing in your background!

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Thank you. No debate. Loads of experience with college-level expository writing and experience teaching comp. Been a very long time since I did that level of writing though.

May I congratulate all those congratulating each other congratulating God on His self congratulation?

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That may be excessive anthropomorphism, but maybe not. Who or what would you like him to say is the most valuable thing there is?

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:44-46

It’s like we’re in the special class. Every other creature bears His image too. He may not look anything like a hominid. With our capacity to mistake for “real” the representations we make up to help us understand the world in mechanistic ways and our incapacity to recognize when we have enough, whatever it is which seeks homeostasis in the rest of nature needs some other way to get our attention. I think God is the form which the remedial teacher we so badly need has taken. Maybe free will was a bridge too far?

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If patting one’s own back is necessary I may not be limber enough for Christianity. :neutral_face:

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In fact, we have just been notified that we have received the Nobel Peace Prize!

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And humility is supposed to be our goal :slight_smile:

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It is also a necessary starting point, as opposed to the opposite of epistemic humility which allows individually subjective denial of what is ‘odious’.

How would the comparison of length of time look if we projected to the period when the sun and earth finally end? I am just wondering how it would look on your 24hr comparison - both past and expected future?

I shall concede the point! Most estimates give us another 4B years before the sun’s fusion is done. At that point, we will be near the 50-yard line!

If I sound self-congratulatory, I have failed miserably in my purpose. It’s so easy to fail, and then to do so in public! I’m sure I will again — sadly. Sorry to create annoyance.
God’s glory in all of this discussion is a different, foundational matter that you and I don’t agree on. From my perspective, it’s appropriate to bring up here in an answer to the OP. I’m sorry, though, that having it brought up is distasteful to you. I’m not subtle enough to express the thing I mean without saying it.

Kendel, Kendel, Kendel. The cap doesn’t fit. You can’t wear it.

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