Considering that we have only evidence that points to life originating from life and that the physical universe had a beginning you would have to conclude that the origin of life has to be metaphysical as well.
Who gave you the authority to speak for the scientific community as “we” and how do you define life?
Do you think logic evolved with matter or do you think matter was under the law of logic when it arose?
Do you think clouds form out of free will or do they follow instructions, e.g. are under the control of a metaphysical rule.
It appears to me that you look for a God of the gaps, a God that acts contrary to his will, causing things to happen that are unnatural. Such a God is logically incoherent as he would deny his own order he created. And people who are not strong enough to follow their own will are referred to as impotent, not omnipotent, so if you wish for a God that leaves you signs that are contrary to logic you are a fool. It is like wishing for a miracle that turns wine into water and to declare wine to have a higher value than the water of ritual cleansing. Only a fool would believe that Jesus would teach that because of his own materialism. If one does not have the brains to understand the bible hindered by one’s own materialism one won’t make it through the eye of the needle if looking only for the material baggage.