Hi Dan,
I am really sorry to hear this. I had the honour of being one of the most recent to have had discussion with your Dad on his ideas having only found Biologos and his posts a couple of months ago. I found his work fascinating with interesting ways of gathering information, and his openness to questions and discussion great. The depth of reply he was able to give to my total newcomer’s question so recently is testament to a person of great heart. Truly thankful to have had the opportunity to be in conversation with him.
Hi Rob, this is Matt Morton, another of Glenn’s sons. First, thank you for your kind words about Dad. Second, as far as who to ask about his writings and theories, that’s a tough one. None of us kids are as knowledgeable about geology or physics as he was, so we won’t be much help there. He pretty much crafted all of these ideas on his own. That said, Dad and I discussed the biblical and theological side of his views a great deal (I’m a pastor). While I didn’t always share his views on OT interpretation, I have a fairly good understanding of his thought processes in that regard and I’m always willing to talk about them. Dad made me think and reevaluate my own understanding of the Scripture quite a lot, just as he did for many people here. I’m still in the process of reading his most recent book - we worked hard to get it published for him before he passed away, but in the days following his death I’ve only had time to read a couple of chapters. I’ll finish it up in the next week or two. So I guess I’d say I’m willing to chat with you, but I’d be coming at it as a learner and reader just as you are. My email address is mattmorton@grace-bible.org if you ever want to bounce any of his ideas around. I will probably check in here from time to time but not as often as Dad did. Blessings to you.
Thank you for letting us know and for the fine tribute to your dad
I thank God for Glenn. I will miss him.
So sorry to hear this. I was always challenged by and benefited from Glenn’s writings, even if I was not always convinced or understood what he was saying. He was a real truth seeker. May Glenn Morton rest in the arms of His Savior.
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