Genesis and the fallen angels

I added the Kindle location reference as requested.
Best Wishes, Shawn

I can only say that I agree with John Calvin who wrote, concerning Nephilim:

That ancient figment, concerning the intercourse of angels with women, is abundantly refuted by its own absurdity; and it is surprising that learned men should formerly have been fascinated by ravings so gross and prodigious. (From his commentary on Genesis.)


All this is totally incomprehensible to me. And, as far as I can see, it severely warps any possible role that the incarnate, Jesus, has in showing us the way to the Father, the God who created the Universe.

If it serves to clarify your purpose in life, fine. I wish you well!
Al Leo

I am not sure where the difficulty comes in understanding how Jesus does not lead us to the Father. I have attached my paper of the structure of Heaven based on Revelations 4 and Exodus’ description of the Menorah.

Jesus’ palace is closest to the Father’s. So, Mary grew up in Jesus’ home, down the street from God, so to say. You cannot get any closer than that to God the Father. This is why Mary was referred to as virgin - she was truly white as the virgin snow, growing in this proximity. Heaven was delighted that she was the one to volunteer to the King’s earthly mother, the One to lead us Back to God.

A strong case can be made for the sons of God (or ‘the gods’) being Lamechites, due to the fact that both seem to be identified with the Mesopotamian Apkallu. Since it is mentioned that Tubal-Cain invented metalworking, perhaps the Lamechites introducing this technology to the people of the ANE would have caused the violence mentioned in Genesis 6:11. The Lamechites were also polygamists, according to Jordan Peterson, polygamous societies tend to be more violent, as does this article from PsychologyToday:

This sounds to me like the sci-fi movie Noah. I love science fiction and read it all the time. To be sure we can read the Bible in the same way and put it with other classics of human fictional literature like the Odyssey.

But while you would attribute the greatest achievements of mankind to genetics from an illicit relationship with alien beings, I attribute the greatest achievements of mankind to the human mind and the inspiration of God. Thus the so called giants in Genesis 6 born of the lineage of Adam and Eve, “sons of God” as they took wives from the daughters of men became the leaders of human civilization not because they were genetic supermench but because they had the teachings of God.