The bible doesnt descibe the saints in Revelation 14:12 as Seventh Day Adventists, it describes them as those who “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus”. It is by that authority that anyone who wishes to be saved must obey and no other.
The testimony of Jesus gave us the new commandment (which is a summary of the original 10 commandments) "love God with all your heart and mind and soul (1-3) and your neighbour as yourself (5-10) and these are joined by the 4th commandment (Seventh Day Sabbath).
The point is, there is no salvation to be had or found in science…it has nothing to give in that way. Salvation only comes from one source…the Bible. No amount of science will save anyone and if the truth must be told, anyone who places what their “eyes see” above the bible is on a fools errand.
One writer has illustrated the foolishness of mankind at the time of Noahs flood in the following way…
> As time passed on, with no apparent change in nature, men whose hearts had at times trembled with fear, began to be reassured. They reasoned, as many reason now, that nature is above the God of nature, and that her laws are so firmly established that God Himself could not change them. Reasoning that if the message of Noah were correct, nature would be turned out of her course, they made that message, in the minds of the world, a delusion—a grand deception. They manifested their contempt for the warning of God by doing just as they had done before the warning was given. They continued their festivities and their gluttonous feasts; they ate and drank, planted and builded, laying their plans in reference to advantages they hoped to gain in the future; and they went to greater lengths in wickedness, and in defiant disregard of God’s requirements, to testify that they had no fear of the Infinite One. They asserted that if there were any truth in what Noah had said, the men of renown—the wise, the prudent, the great men—would understand the matter. (i have not included the reference but can provide privately if requested)