Free Will + Quantum Mechanics

The point that is not being understood from where I sit is that the word ‘predestination’ (or any other tensed word that doesn’t really apply to God’s relationship to us) isn’t really a problem when we are ready to confess that there is a wonderful mystery in how God, being immune from the constraints of sequential time (and I contend, omnitemporal), relates dynamically with us who are so bound. I would again point to the abundant evidence of his providences where what is preternatural is not the violation of any natural laws, but his sovereignty over timing and placing (and all the necessary precursors! ←note the pre- prefix :wink:).

Judas had free will but it would have been better for him not to have been born. Maybe that should be terrifying and perhaps compel some to want to be or to be sure they are adopted or newly birthed (or any of several other God-ordained metaphors) into family and brotherhood with Jesus. That confidence can be had or else Paul would not have talked about it some several times.