Fine Tuning and Teleology

Continuing the discussion from [Reviewing Darwin’s Doubt: Conclusion

| The BioLogos Forum](Reviewing Darwin’s Doubt: Conclusion | The BioLogos Forum - #13 by Wayne):

I don’t think that @Wayne quite understands the fine tuning argument, which is based on anthropic principle. The anthropic principle notes that there are a number of cosmological constants that are necessary to exist in a very fine range for life to exist on planet earth and the universe. While he says that they could take countless values, that does not appear to be true.

There are more than enough precise values that it would appear that their existence in relationship each other cannot logically be a matter of chance, but as matter of design. An article in Discovery, a scientific magazine quoted several scientists saying that one had a choice between Fine tuning and God or the Multiverse, which is speculation rather than fact. One important theoretist said it would take 10 to the 500 billionth power universes to produce a universe like ours.

For instance when scientists are looking for planets in our universe which could sustain life, they look for planets very much like ours, rather than those which are different. Conceivably life could exist which could be structured very different from our carbon-based forms, but that is based on speculation, not on fact.

The fact remains that a number of very specific conditions have existed over long periods of time which indicates that life on earth is not based only on chance which is inherently unstable, but primarily on reason which is not unstable.

If the universe the universe does have a rational framework, which science itself maintains, it does point to the reality of divine creation, but not necessarily to God as Christians know God. This is what Polkinghorne says and I agree.

Certainly life has it chance aspects as well as it rational aspects. Just because it has meaning and purpose does not mean that it is determined. Our purpose in life is evident is how we handle unexpected events, rather than how events mold us.

Most of what we experience is not the result of chance and those things which appear to us as random have their origins in non-random events. The snow storm we are expecting in the next few days comes from the laws of nature which do not operate by chance.

The world is experiencing climate change and global warming. If this is a result of random chance, there is nothing humans can do to alter its course. However if climate change is based on ecological laws and the result of carbon emissions, then we can make changes before it is too late to control this potential disaster. Humans do have control over their lives and the world because we live in a ration world that has meaning and purpose. All we have to do is stop fighting and work together, which is God’s purpose for us.

For me it is sad that some people seem to feel forced to deny the rationality, meaning, and purpose of the universe because they are afraid it indicates the existence of God.

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