Exegesis of Noah's Flood from a Biologos perspective

They were definitely reading something before the exile, and we have clear evidence that they had the Law before the exile, and quite a lot of the history. In fact Joshua, Judges, 1-2 Samuel, and 1-2 Kings are pre-exilic.

Most of the Torah is pre-exilic. This may help.

Internal evidence (comparing passages of Scripture with each other), and external evidence (such as the pre-exilic Ketef Hinnim scrolls of the sixth century, and the Elephantine papyri which show the Law of Moses was being followed at least as early as the eighth century BCE).

No. He never mentions Mosaic authorship of Genesis at all.

The Nephilim are the clearest evidence from the text. But there’s also the fact that the Ark ran aground somewhere in Ararat, while the tops of the mountains were still underwater. Mt Everest is a couple of kilometres higher than Ararat, so it would not have been possible for the Ark to run aground if Everest was still underwater.

The Bible doesn’t actually say this. It’s like Cain’s wife; people know there’s a problem there but just gloss over it because it’s too hard to imagine that their interpretation of Genesis 1-3 is wrong.

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That chart is very helpful. Are Adam/Eve or the flood mentioned in any of the pre-exilic works? The nephilim I believe are mentioned again in Joshua. Do you think the stories themselves, though not yet penned down, were known in the post-exodus crowd.

Where does the tradition of Mosaic authorship of the whole Torah come from?

And finally, what do you think the table of nations is saying when, for example, it says that Ham was the father of Egypt? What is the whole table claiming if not that these nations descended from Noah’s three sons?

You’re welcome. As for your question, this brief list of facts should help.

  1. Virtually all the specific events and people of Genesis 1-11 are not found anywhere from Genesis 12 to the end of 2 Kings. There’s no evidence that anyone before the Babylonian exile knew about Adam, Eve, the serpent, the trees, the fall, the flood, or the tower of Babel.

  2. The genealogies found from Genesis 12 to the end of 2 Kings don’t go back any further than the family of Abraham; there’s no evidence that anyone before the Babylonian captivity knew the genealogies of people who lived earlier than Abraham’s family.

  3. Historical and geographical references in Genesis 1-11 which could not have been written before the reign of Solomon at earliest, and some which are clearly exilic.

  4. Citations in Genesis 1-11 of content in specific Sumerian and Akkadian texts which would not have been available to pre-exilic Hebrews. They were available to Daniel, and we know he was taught “the language and literature of the Babylonians”, which included these texts.

  5. Vocabulary and grammar in Genesis 1-11 which belongs to the era of the monarchy or exile.

I can supply details of each point if you wish.

There’s no evidence for them before the exile. If they were known, there’s no evidence that they were known.

Ham isn’t identified as the father of Egypt; Mizraim in Genesis 10 doesn’t refer to Egypt.

I think I understand the facts you listed. All very interesting. But of course specifics are always useful if you’ve got the time.

I’m very interested in your last point, are you saying that English translations are making a mistake(s) in the Table of Nations? And do you have a better source for understanding the original language in context?


You miss at least one important exception Exodus 20:8

Here’s a brief overview.

Now for specifics. Nowhere in the entire Law of Moses are Adam and Eve or the events of Eden ever referred to, despite the significant emphasis on sin, death, and sacrifice. Since the Law deals in considerable detail with the consequences of sin, the complete absence from Exodus to Deuteronomy of any reference to these people and events is extraordinary. Although genealogies in Genesis 4-5 start with Adam, all the genealogies from Genesis 12 through to the end of 2 Kings only extend as far back as Abraham.

Outside Genesis 1-11, Adam is first referred to in 1 Chronicles 1:1. The genealogy of 1 Chronicles 1 (written after the Babylonian exile), is the first genealogy after Genesis 5 to refer to Adam. In the Chronicles genealogy Adam is introduced without explanation, and the reader is expected to be familiar with him and his immediate descendants, suggesting they had already read a document introducing and explaining Adam and his family.

After Genesis 6-8, the flood is not referred to again until Isaiah 54:9. The first use of the word Eden outside Genesis 1-11 is in Isaiah 51:3. The next is in an exilic document (Ezekiel 28:12-19), taking the audience’s familiarity with Eden for granted; the reference to Eden in Joel 2:3 dates either to the exile or shortly after. This chapter also contains attacks on Babylonian theology, and explicit use of the Genesis cosmogony and the fall. The term ‘garden of the Lord’ is only used in two passages in the Old Testament; Genesis 13:10 and Isaiah 51:3, supporting the idea that the garden of the Lord was only known as ‘Eden’ during or after the exile.

The break between Genesis 11 and 12 is extreme. In Genesis 11:31 we are told Terah set out with his family (including Abram and Sarai), to travel from Ur to Canaan, but we are given no explanation for this whatsoever. In contrast, Genesis 12:1 opens with the divine call issued to Abram, providing details of the promises and the trip to Canaan; Genesis 11:31 presupposes the reader’s knowledge of why Abram is travelling to Canaan, indicating it was written after Genesis 12. Joshua is aware of the Mesopotamian origin of Abraham, but it is just as clear he knew of nothing earlier.
If these chapters did exist as early as Abraham (or at least Moses), then we must explain why they are ignored by most of the books of the Bible, and only suddenly referred to by the post-exilic books. From Genesis 12 to the end of 2 Kings, book after book after book shows no awareness of these chapters at all.

Certain vocabulary in Genesis 1-3 is used elsewhere only in books written during the monarchy or later, such as ʾēd (source of water, Genesis 2:6), neḥmād (pleasant, Genesis 2:9; 3:6), tāpar (sew, Genesis 3:7), ʾēbāh (enmity, Genesis 3:15), šûp (bruise/wound, Genesis 3:15) ʿeṣeb (labor, Genesis 3:16), tĕšûqāh (longing, Genesis 3:16). The word Shinar (Genesis 10:10; 11:2), was used by nations outside Mesopotamia “to designate the Kassite kingdom of Babylon (ca. 1595-1160 B.C.E)”; consequently its use here indicates Genesis 11 was written no earlier than the date of that kingdom. The Hebrew phrase for “breath of life” used in Genesis 2:7; 6:17; 7:15, 22, is not found anywhere else in Scripture. However, it is found in the Eridu Genesis, a Sumerian text which was copied and read by the Babylonians.

Certain names appear only in Genesis 1-11 and books written during or after the Babylonian exile; typically they appear later in 1 Chronicles 5 or later books as personal names, and in Isaiah and Ezekiel as place names. Some names appear as personal names before the exile, but as place names only during or after the exile. A few names appear only in Genesis 10.

  1. Gomer (Genesis 10:2-3, 1 Chronicles 1:5-6, Ezekiel 38:6, Hosea 1:3).
  2. Magog (Genesis 10:2, 1 Chronicles 1:5, Ezekiel 38:2; 39:6).
  3. Madai (Genesis 10:2, 1 Chronicles 1:5).
  4. Javan (Genesis 10:2, 4, 1 Chronicles 1:5, 7, Isaiah 66:19, Ezekiel 27:13).
  5. Tubal (Genesis 4;22; 10:2, 1 Chronicles 1:5, Isaiah 66:19, Ezekiel 27:13; 32:26; 38:2-3; 39:1).
  6. Meshech (Genesis 10:2, 1 Chronicles 1:5, Psalm 120:5, Ezekiel 27:13; 32:26; 38:2-3; 39:1).
  7. Tiras (Genesis 10:2, 1 Chronicles 1:5).
  8. Togarmah (Genesis 10:3, 1 Chronicles 1:6, Ezekiel 27:14; 38:6).
  9. Dodanim (Genesis 10:4).
  10. Dedan (Genesis 10:7; 25:3, 1 Chronicles 1:9, 32, Jeremiah 25:23; 49:8, Ezekiel 25:13; 27:20; 38:13).
  11. Akkad (Genesis 10:10).
  12. Erech (Genesis 10:10).
  13. Calah (Genesis 10:11-12).
  14. Resen Genesis 10:12).

Some verses in Genesis 1-11 use place names which help date the text. In particular, several verses in Genesis 10 indicate the chapter could not have been written until after the reign of Solomon.

  1. Genesis 2:14; 10:11. These verses refers to Assyria, which did not exist until the reign of Assuruballit I (1363-1328 BCE). The city of Assur was built earlier (around 2,500 BCE), but was ruled over by Akkadians, Amorites, and Babylonians in succession. Assyria did not become an independent state with Assur as its capital reign of Assuruballit I.

  2. Genesis 10:11. This verse refers to Nineveh as part of Assyria, but it was not until the reign of Assuruballit I (1363-1328 BCE), that Nineveh became part of Assyrian territory. Note that Nineveh is mentioned in Genesis 10:11-12, but not mentioned again until 2 Kings, written during the exile; this supports the conclusion that Genesis 11 was not written before the exile.

  3. Genesis 10:11-12. This refers to the city of Calah as “that great city”. Calah did not exist until 1750 BCE, and was a mere village until the ninth century BCE, when it became “that great city” during the reign of Assurnasirpal II, who made it the capital of Assyria. It could not have been called “that great city” until after the reign of Solomon.

  4. Genesis 10:19. The boundaries of Canaan described here did not exist until 1280 BCE by a peace treaty between Ramses II and Hattusilis III in 1280 BCE; it is therefore unsurprising that the borders of Canaan described here do not match the description of Canaan in Genesis 15:18 or Numbers 34:2-12, or any text of Moses’ time. This verse could not have been written earlier than 1280 BCE.

  5. Genesis 10:19. This verse refers to Gaza, but this location was first called “Gaza” during the reign of Thutmose III (1481-1425 BCE); it was not called “Gaza” before this time. It would have been known as “Gaza” by the time of Moses, but not in the time of Abraham.

  6. Genesis 11:28, 31. These verses refers to “Ur of the Chaldeans”. The Chaldeans did not occupy Ur until around the tenth century (1000 BCE). The only pre-exilic use of the phrase “Ur of the Chaldeans” in the Old Testament is in Genesis 15:7, which was clearly written at least as early as the eleventh century (possibly by Samuel), by which time the term “Ur of the Chaldeans” was already the common term for the area. The only other use of “Ur of the Chaldeans” is in Nehemiah 9:7, a post-exilic book.

Actually there are modern English translations such as New English Translation, NCV, NIV84, and NLT, which renders the word “Mizraim” rather than “Egypt”. This is pretty well recognized in scholarship. Some of these translations still believe that Mizraim here is another word for Egypt, but they recognize the ambiguity of the word so they render it without identifying it explicitly as Egypt.

Here’s one source which may be useful.

“Some scholars think that in a few passages referring to horses (1 K. 10:28; 2 K. 7:6; 2 Ch. 1:16f.; 9:28) the word should be emended to Muṣri or Muṣur, a land in Asia Minor (cf. Moff Muzri).”

John Alexander Thompson, “Mizraim,” ed. Geoffrey W Bromiley, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1979–1988), 388.

Here’s another.

Scholars debate whether Mizraim refers not to Egypt, but to Musri, an Anatolian site known from Akkadian sources. Both 1 Kgs 10:28 (//2 Chr 1:16) and 2 Kgs 7:6 feature horses, for which Anatolia was more famed than Egypt. Furthermore, the pairing of Mizraim/Musri and Kue (1 Kgs 10:28 //2 Chr 1:16) resembles the monolith inscription of the 9th cent.BCE Assyrian king Shalmaneser III, which reports the inclusion of soldiers from Que and Musri in an anti-Assyrian coalition assembled in Syria.

Carolyn Higginbotham, “Mizraim,” ed. Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2006–2009), 117.

No I didn’t. It’s not an exception; this verse was added to Exodus by an exilic or post-exilic redactor. The evidence for this is that no one from Genesis 12 to the end of 2 Kings ever says the purpose of the Sabbath was to memorialize the six days of creation. On the contrary, when Moses explains the purpose of the Sabbath in Deuteronomy, he explicitly tells Israel that the purpose of the Sabbath was to memorialize the exodus from Egypt. He says absolutely nothing about it memorializing creation.

It might be worth looking into the concept of “orality” as it applies to the creation, transmission, and authority of Scripture. It has been all the rage in my field (Bible translation and Scripture engagement) for some time, but I have recently seen it popping up in biblical studies discussions. Walton/Sandy explore the concept (from a more conservative/Evangelical position than Jonathan) in The Lost World of Scripture. (Here is a book review that has fairly detailed summary, though the reviewer is coming from a very conservative background and isn’t all that comfortable with the book.)

Michael Bird deals with orality as it applies to the NT in The Gospel of the Lord. (Chapter 3)

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That is a superb book and definitely one of Walton’s best contributions. I learned much from it. It’s worth noting however that Walton is comfortable with multiple sources and redaction for the Pentateuch, and that although he is inclined towards Mosaic authorship of Genesis he acknowledges “it is difficult to produce much evidence to connect Moses to the writing of the book”.

I ask just about to ask if that’s what’s considered less conservative/evangelical about Jonathan’s points, the late and non-mosaic authorship of Genesis.

If so, it’s certainly an interesting perspective and one I don’t hear a lot of. He seems to defend it very well. Christy, which parts would you tend to disagree with?

And I wonder, Jonathan, what’s your take on “the fall” if such a seemingly crucial doctrine doesn’t show up in Jewish tradition until late? You’ve already mentioned that there is plenty of reference to sin without a fall in pre-exilic literature, but I’d like to hear it expounded upon if you’ve got time. Always nice to hear multiple perspectives. I recognize that the Jews didn’t really see it as a fall in the way that Paul uses, but still it seems like a late addition to become such a crucial part of the Christian worldview. Hope this doesn’t carry things too far off topic at this point haha.

You will typically not hear of it in very conservative theological circles, but it is totally mainstream and it’s non-controversial even in many confessional seminaries. You’ll find quite a few high level mainstream commentaries making at least some concession to a form of multiple authorship or redaction.

Isn’t it interesting that the Law of Moses can spend chapter after chapter and thousands of words on the issue of temptation, sin, and punishment, without once citing the fall? The fact is that the fall is not a “crucial” doctrine in the sense of “something you must know in order to be saved”. Abraham certainly never heard of it, and nor did anyone before Moses, even if you take the most conservative view that Moses wrote Genesis 3.

It is however theologically important, and a lot more is made of it in the New Testament than is even made of it in the Old Testament. It’s a doctrine which Christians should definitely know, and unlike other people I believe it takes a high place in Paul’s theology. And I think that Paul did actually see it the way the Jews saw it; his own exposition is completely in line with typical Second Temple Period commentary on the fall.

So would you say then that sin is just something innate, something that need not be tied to a decisive point in History where a single, representative man in the role of a priest is offered communion with God if he keeps his commands, but chooses not to do so? And I guess that leads to the question, did God make us incapable of being Holy without Christ on purpose? Since we cannot keep the law, and we do not keep the law, and there is none righteous, and there was not a time when we weren’t, as it were, dead to sin? Or am I assuming too much haha, don’t let me get carried away. Just thinking out loud (in text) again.

Yes. If the urges which lead to sin weren’t in Adam from the start, he wouldn’t have sinned in the first place. But they very obviously were, and the description of Eve’s sin demonstrates this clearly; she saw, she coveted, and she took.

I wouldn’t word it quite like that but I know what you mean. Yes God deliberately made us mortal and prone to sin, and that shows us our dependence on Him. Similarly, God gave Israel a law which they could never keep, one which Moses told them they could never keep, which the prophets told them they could never keep, which Paul tells us was impossible for anyone to keep, for the same reason; to teach us law cannot save, we need grace.

Ha! I would know better than to pick a fight with Jonathan in his field of expertise because he knows 100+ times more than me on the subject and would bludgeon my ignorant protests with primary research papers I don’t even have the necessary background to understand. :grin:

I don’t have a problem with multiple authorship or redaction and it is also my impression that it is mainstream biblical scholarship even in Evangelical seminaries to acknowledge it. But I’ve never been to seminary and I haven’t taken a formal Bible or theology class since my required 14 hours at Wheaton in the late 90’s. I don’t know enough about the specifics he mentions to evaluate them.

My main point in highlighting that Walton has a more conservative/Evangelical approach was to counter any tendency some readers might have to dismiss Jonathan’s points as representing (suspect and untrustworthy) liberal or mainline biblical scholarship. I was trying to suggest someone you might be inclined to find credible based on reputation or affiliation who deals with similar or related questions.

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And I wouldn’t dare tangle with you on linguistics. :scream:

This is wise. And Walton, when he does introduce scholarly material which he knows his audience will find confronting, always does it in an exceptionally delicate and thoughtful manner. It’s one of the reasons why he’s one of my favourite scholars.

That’s the take home message here.

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This has been such a fun and illuminating dialogue. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. I have one more question that I’d like expounded upon a little more, to get back more on topic:

What was the purpose of the Table of Nations. Even if Egypt (which I mentioned earlier) specifically can be dealt with by reidentifying the word used there with another nation, would you agree that the Table of Nations is still saying that Noah’s three sons and their descendents went on to found a host of other nations and that many of the peoples at least in that area should expect to trace their lineage back to one of them?

Also, any specifics, details, sources or research or seminary work related to this would be helpful. If that is NOT the intended claim of publishing the Table, then what is it trying to convey and how well does whatever it is attempting to convey mesh with what science/hostory/archaeology have to say about the lineages of those nations?

Finally, I know there are multiple theories out there, but who are the Nephilim and which interpretation of them holds the most water and why (from your perspectives)? Also, how do they relate to the cause for the flood, if they relate at all.

You should come throw your two cents in on this other thread: Evolved human nature - Sinful urges and innate morality - #8 by Casper_Hesp

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This has been a tremendously helpful thread to read. Jonathan’s research on this subject is impressive. I agree that there is very strong evidence for the multiple authors of Genesis 1-11. I recently read a commentary by Walter Brueggeman that describes the scholarly consensus that certain sections had a “Yahwist” or “Priestly” sources. Whatever these sources were, it appears that they were fused into their current form during or after the exile. However, I’ve got to think that Moses had a view on creation that could have been a direct precursor to the final Genesis version (maybe captured in one of the “sources”). This would be consistent with their religious counterparts that would have had creation myths. Similarly, the Pentateuch is very sketchy on references to afterlife, which NT Wright examines at length in Resurrection of the Son God. Daniel is the first time it is explicitly referenced. I think the pre-exilic Hebrew people had to have views on creation and afterlife that for whatever reason were not codified until the exile period. In the latter case, there was clearly still disagreement until the end of the 2nd Temple period. Seeing that both issues are critically important to Christian faith, I have to think that Daniel or whomever brought the final Genesis together captured the essence of what the original sources.

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Thanks Andy, I’ve enjoyed having a platform to ask so many questions and @Jonathan_Burke has been a tremendous interlocutor. I’m hoping he can get around to giving his point of view on my final few questions!

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Haven’t forgotten, just putting a few things together.

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