Examining the Assumptions of Mosaic Creationism vis-a-vis the Assumptions of Evolutionary Creationism

Greetings from my side of the river.

Except the geologists that first determined the earth was very old used nothing but what was visible to the naked human eye. Science at it’s most basic is simply the process of making a statement which can be tested to determine if it is true or false. The earth is flat is such a statement that can be tested. The statement that God exists can not be tested so it is not considered to be science.

Which doesn’t preclude the Bible from making statements that can be scientifically tested. The language used doesn’t matter.

You are arguing using the personal incredulity fallacy. Just because it doesn’t seem natural to you doesn’t mean the Bible didn’t do it. And it is not a frame of reference. When someone says, “That is scientific.” what they really mean is that is a claim that has been tested and found to be true. At it’s heart that is what science means. Scientific facts are those that have been tested and verified.

I just looked back to your OP and noticed that you did not include your assumption that all of the historical statements in the Bible are true. You have certainly indicated this in your previous posts including such statements as it is easier to get history correct than it is science. This is one of your key assumptions that should be listed in the OP just so everyone is clear.

Historical claims can likewise be subjected to verification. Sometimes science is used (think medical examiner) and sometimes the historical method is used (think new versions of previously accepted history). The claim of history that the earth is 6,000 years old can certainly be tested by science. It is not history vs SGH it is just history being verified or falsified by science.

So I say the Bible makes some statements that science has shown to be incorrect. Those statements include such things as the earth is flat and the earth is 6,000 years old.

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