Long before birds evolved dinosaurs had feathers but didn’t fly
We have evidence.
Long before birds evolved dinosaurs had feathers but didn’t fly
We have evidence.
I am not arguing against God’s sovereignty I am arguing for it. I argue against Godless TOE not theistic Evolution. God does not have to worry about creating multiple changes or specific adaptations or functions. TOE most certainly does. And fails (IMHO) every time.
That is kind of an oxymoron. Do you argue against Godless gravity?
And are told what it means. No arguments. No questions. This is TOE.
Have you seen a fossil of a feather? Do you know what a fossil is? Do you know what a feather is made of?
The evidence is rigged. You are told what to see. And you accept the explanation given.
good night
What do you think it means when we find feathered dinosaurs that couldn’t fly?
Please explain.
This and the missing links brings to mind Zeno’s paradoxes. Any reptile and any mammal can never be linked by any number of transition fossils because there will always be a hypothetical other one lying half way between. But just like the arrow which actually does reach its target (without pausing to contemplate the difficulties), so some distant relative did finally produce the rabbits and lizards we see today.
That can never be proven.
This isn’t math class.
You have accepted one scenario, one idea, and one “theory” You cannot think beyond it, or conceive any errors within it.
Just because feathers have a thermionic quality and can be brightly coloured does not give them those reasons to exist, nor make them an advantage enough for Survival of the fittest.
Why not? I will take the ample data and evidence in favor over your baseless assertion that those who disagree with you are some sort of thrall stupor.
These papers are not based on dogma and tunnel vision:
That can never be proven.
In a mathematical sense, of course not. In the sense of ‘beyond reasonable doubt’, sure it can.
And this is my point, that you all seem to ignore. You have accepted one scenario, one idea, and one “theory” You cannot think beyond it, or conceive any errors within it.
Oh, I get your point. I just think you’re quite mistaken. I’m only one year younger than you, and like you I’ve spent decades hearing about evolution and creation, and in fact started life as a creationist. Unlike you, I’ve also spent decades studying and comparing DNA, day in and day out, for a living. I have no trouble conceiving of errors in evolutionary biology and could easily provide a list of past errors. But I’m aware of the overwhelming evidence for the large-scale conclusions of evolution. Having seen over and over again the creationist arguments against evolution during those same decades, I’m also aware of how completely empty they are.
ust because feathers have a thermionic quality and can be brightly coloured does not give them those reasons to exist, nor make them an advantage enough for Survival of the fittest.
Take this, for example. Where’s your evidence that the thermal properties of feathers couldn’t give a selective advantage? What you’ve provided is an opinion, nothing more.
good night
Hey, it’s only 19:30. ; - )
You are told what to see. And you accept the explanation given.
How is that different than nuclear physics?
the creationist arguments against evolution
I am not a Creationist in the manner you are accustomed to. I accept much of Evolutionary theory. But I have seen some really outrageous claims about evidence and extrapolations from them. Claims that defy or deny simple physiology, Ecology, and anatomy.
One of which was the so-called evidence of feathers in non-avine dinosaurs. All I ask is that you review the evidence claimed with a cold and open mind rather than rejoicing over the latest “proofs”.
We are not arguing nuclear physics. Nor does nuclear physics claim to rule God out of creation. Neither does nuclear physics show any conflict with other branches of physics. You must understand what I am arguing about and for. Evolution must conform with other branches of Biology. Specifically Anatomy and Physiology. It is not about Scripture. it is about single-minded pursuance of a goal.
Steve is a PhD biological research scientist with impressive credentials, including physics. I don’t think you can lecture him about looking at evidence.
Nor does nuclear physics claim to rule God out of creation.
No, not any more than gravity or electronics. Yes, there are atheist biologists and many fundamentalist Christian who think that evolution does that, but it is a belief system that does that and not the science. Not any more than gravity does.
I do not know what he has claimed or whether he is “guilty” of the crimes I cite. I only know what I have access to. This is not personal in that respect. And I will acknowledge that the intentions are not to deceive nor necessarily indoctrinate. But, TOE is taught as fact and the evidence is always presented as fate acomplis.
I have seen some equally outrageous claims by Pseudo scientists trying to debunk Evolution. I have also watched some BBC TV programs that make some of the claims I have referred to. I used to admire Sir David but no longer.
Evolution must conform with other branches of Biology. Specifically Anatomy and Physiology.
Evolution is just biology over time. Biology is a snapshot of evolution.
Saying what is true assuming that the theory which best fits the data is true is extrapolation.
It is statements like that that really annoy me.
“All hail the God Evolution.”
but it is a belief system that does that and not the science
Do you know what TOE is trying to claim?
It claims that all life can be produced by Evolution. All life, including Humans. So unless you want God to light the touch paper and sit back, you will argue against TOE as it stands
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