The Evolutionary process is that during reproduction a mutation occurs that adds, or subtracts qualities (Physical changes usually) to produce a new and different organism. Survival of the fittest is the additional factor that claims that the adaptation will improve that organism’s survival chances with an advantage caused by the mutation and therefore become the norm until superceded.
TOE is the extrapolated theory that all life forms can be made from a single cell using the Evolutionary process classically from Amoeba to Human, but this is a misnomer as an amoeba is by no means a simple life form. However, it does claim that higher life started in the ocean and migrated out of it changing and adapting as it went. Each change has to be stand-alone and not only viable but advantageous. In modern times the scope of the changes available seems to be infinite whereas originally Darwin only noted the diversification of single species to adapt to their specific environment. Although the postulation about ape to man has been a long part of Evolution it is still by no means certain that the similarity is due to heredity or just shape and form. 98% is still 2% short and the differences in mental and physical abilities belies such a small difference. Originally there was a complete timeline (tree) but modern theory has made it basically parallel so that each type of organism develops from a common ancestry,although exactly where the split is, is not agreed. However Birds are supposedly direct in line from dinosaurs. There is disagreement whether reptiles and mammals are completely independent in formation. It is generally agreed that you can make an amphibian out of a fish. And that fish could sprout legs.
TOE does not claim the spark of life.
Even that is an oversimplification.