Evolution of fish to amphibians is there evidence of limbs growing from existing skeletal structure

the problem here is klw, that is not the transition between fins and legs…that is after the connection to the spine has already been made. Take a look at the well-known transitional images (bones in feet that have no connection to a spine…this is my point)

And whilst on the above…might i remind you of what Genesis 1 says

26Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness, to rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, and over all the earth itselfd and every creature that crawls upon it.”

27So God created man in His own image;

in the image of God He created him;

male and female He created them.e

then Genesis 2: 7Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.

Do you not see the huge theological dilemma when you read that animals were already alive BEFORE God breathed the breath of life into Adam's nostrils but that Adam was not at this point even though he was formed?

clearly, the Bible very specifically claims that God created animals first, and then he created Adam.

The animals were already alive and when God formed Adam, but Adam was NOT ALIVE when he was first formed in Gods image!

Animals are very definitely not in Gods image…and since man only came to life after God breathed into his nostrils, then we have a problem…either God is a liar (because his word is inspired) or Evolution is clearly wrong about man coming from amphibians (or any other animal for that matter)

The point is, if we evolved from “living animals”, how could Adam have been brought to life by God AFTER he was formed…evolution says he was already alive?

I don’t think people that have responded to you understand what diagram or bones you’re referring to. At least I don’t. As I asked at the start of this topic, can you please post the diagram that you were apparently looking at to give us all something firmer to go on?

And W.R.T. God’s image, many Christians do not interpret that as a physical form, but rather a role that God assigned to humans as priests/kings within creation.


How do you explain this…

if we evolved from “living animals”, how could Adam have been brought to life by God AFTER he was formed…evolution says he was already alive?

and before you answer with “it was a spiritual bringing to life”…might i remind you that Christ lived and died on the cross physically for the wages of sin…you cannot claim that is spiritual given Christs phsyical incarnation and death shows such a view to be fundamentally wrong…so you will need a far better argument!

This is not the topic of this thread. Start a new thread on that topic if you wish. But where is the diagram of the bones that we are here to discuss?


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Assume legitimate Christian faith on the part of other people, unless they identify otherwise. The purpose of discussions here is not to judge the legitimacy or efficacy of anyone’s faith or lack of faith.


How do you explain your being dishonest. (There is no question mark.)

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And yet that is what happened in an incremental process. Evolution works with what it has to work with, not with wishes and dreams. Thus even today the big old bull you see in the field front legs are supported by flesh, not bones, as are your arms. The only connection of your arm that is bone connected by ligaments to bone is where your clavicles (collarbones) are touching your sternum and rib cage at the base of your neck. Muscles do all the heavy lifting.


Wait … what?! You mean the bones in the front legs of cows (or just bulls?) are actually not attached to the rest of the skeleton?! … or that the only attachment holding them together is a (fleshly) ligament? I just want to understand what you wrote there.

The shoulder joint connects to the scapula which free floats, and the outer end of your collarbone which only connects to your breastbone, which itself sorta flexibly connects to the ribs which encircle the chest to the spine.


I hadn’t realized we were all built in such a ‘disjointed’ way, so to speak! Thanks for the brief anatomy lesson.

Also explains why a brisket is so big and tough, as it supports a lot of the weight of a steer (same as our pectoral muscles)

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I mean…… that’s how natural selection works.

Evolution is not about whatever works, It is about ecological natural selection. Whatever works is not about science. Ecology is science although it seems that some have not yet awak3ned to that fact.

You are correct in that survival of the fittest doe not work, but where are the scientists looking for what does work. Thank God that National Geographic Society determined that ecology does drive evolution.

Was the time available too short to provide enough mutations? You are still arguing from incredulity (you cannot hear yourself).

Ecology does not drive mutations, but environment does determine what works or not.

Don’t go there again


Mutations do not drive evolution. Since ecology determines what works, then ir determines what mutations survive and what do not. God determines how ecology. works.

There would be no evolution without them. Semantics. (And I did not say mutations drive evolution.)

Whatever works still is true in a fixed environment, without changing ecology. Changing ecology is implicit in your argument, is it not?

That’s just nonsense – besides the fact that you’re conflating two distinct stories, something with a lack of life cannot be in God’s image since God is life.

Further, “formed … from the dust of the ground” is an ancient near eastern trope indicating mortality, as in “dust you are and to dust you will return”.

Last, Genesis 1 says there are already male and female, but the second story starts out with just a male.

That’s what the phrase boils down to in the ancient near eastern setting.


These are not contradictory. Ecology is just the system within which “whatever works” takes place.

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