I am hostile to deceptive claims and bad logic being promoted as evidence of Christianity.
Making assertions of logical fallacies, bad arguments, and slander are not mocking or ridicule; they are accusations.
Now that I have found the notes from watching it, here are some examples of each:
There are a number of false dichotomies (like atheistic usage of a caricature of evolution as a philosophy being the only alternative to YEC) and hasty generalizations (like using atheists with bad philosophy to argue against evolution), some circular reasoning (“we’re right because our position is the correct one”), usage of propaganda techniques (like preferentially citing people whose philosophy is bad as examples of those who affirm evolution), and at least half a dozen other types that I’m not remembering.
As to bad or deceptive claims, the claims that mutations don’t produce new information, that all mutations are harmful, that random processes do not make information, that Dark Matter and Dark Energy are fudge factors, and that redshift differences among angularly associated objects are a problem; and the denial of cracks in bent rock formations that have them are all lies.
As to slander, they implicitly accuse all honest biologists, geologists, paleontologists, and cosmologists of being incompetent; and accuse all Christians who disagree with them of caving to the world.
Exactly where they have been since the last time you asked that question–filling deposits, private collections, and backroom museum drawers across the globe.
Your credibility would be helped if you would stop telling me that the transitional fossils that I have found do not exist. The only way to make them not be transitional is to redefine “transitional” or “species.” They are intermediate in stratigraphic position and in morphology between other forms; I can show complete intergradations between Busycon maximum, Busycon auroraense, and Busycon carica over time.
Transitional forms exist. I have found or seen specimens of dozens of them. Asserting once again that they do not does not change that. Anyone who claims that they do not and claims to be an authority about paleontology is lying about one of the two.
What do you want me to do, start spamming this text with examples?
A specific example of a transition I am familiar with: the Yorktown Formation ~4.5-3.2 MYA Melanella laevigata, based on the photograph in Campbell, 1993, has 11-13 teleoconch whorls when the shell is 10 mm long, and has a very weak suture. The similar recent species M. jamaicensis has 8-9 teleoconch whorls at that size and has a somewhat stronger suture. Three specimens that I have from the 2.4 MYA Waccamaw Formation have 9-11 whorls at that size and an intermediate-strength (still weak) suture.
We do not have confident examples of most Pre-Cambrian transitions (e.g. Kimberella might be an example of one, but we don’t know which), but part of the problem for animals is that generic worms still look like generic worms, whatever their taxonomic affinity.
However, there are some tranbsitions which we have very good evidence for, like rostroconchia to bivalvia and scaphopoda, early ungulates to cetaceans, early archosaurs to birds, etc.
But what we have shows thing like a transition in morphology from Chesapecten jeffersonius to C. madisonius. Or from Limatula virginiana to L. hendersoni.
Stem-amniotes are pretty obviously transitional between fish and amphibians-they still have lateral lines like fish; but have necks, lungs, and a number of other amphibian-like features; a dentition unlike anything else; and the wrong number of toes for anything modern.
Rostroconchs show a pretty obvious transition between something like the early-Cambrian “monoplacophorans” and scaphopods.
Examples of distinctive, very basal members of phyla seem to include radiodont arthropods and myllokunmingiids.
An obvious example for transition to a class is the long series of non-mammal synapsids.
For orders, the series of fossils intermediate between generic cetungulates and modern cetaceans come to mind.
And an obvious case for transition to a family would be Echinofulgur and the busyconids. And given that Busyconidae seems to fall out closest to Fasciolariidae on genetics, Echinofulgur makes perfect sense as a transition.
most people don’t get excited about “New finding of transitional form between Pelycidion matthewsi and Pelycidion megalomastoma” [tiny snails].
they’re still there, as I have said about five times, I’ve found over a dozen of them myself, and with a bit of hunting, could list a few hundred more.
I see them because they are there. They are intermediate in stratigraphic position and morphology between other taxa. If they were not intermediate in morphology and stratigraphic position, then I would not conclude that they are intermediates.

that pass rigorous scientific examination and scrutiny
I have examined the ones that I have found rigorously enoguh to conclude that the most parsimonius explanations are that they are intermediates. I have had no one in the field tell me that they don’t look likely for intermediates.

I do not speak lies nor do I desire the plunder of evil
I do not think that you do. But there are enough demonstrable lies in the “documentary” in question to raise serious questions about the honesty of those in it and producing it. Most of those (so far as I can tell, including you) who promote these claims are simply honestly misled, rather than lying.

18 “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well; if they followed My word, they will follow yours also. 21 But all these things they will do to you on account of My name, because they do not know the One who sent Me. . . . John 15:18- 21
Yes, I wholeheartedly concur with the passage. However, all of us (very much myself included) must be very careful that the reason for being hated or ridiculed is for Christ, and not for being overbearing, obnoxious, or making confident wrong assertions that display profound ignorance.

I know the PhD researchers at CMI are extremely honest, God fearing men and women who love the Truth and abhor deception, (despite the many contrary claims published on this site), and I know they would never do anything that is untrue or against Scriptural honesty in all areas of their work.
See above. I quickly become suspicious of the honesty of someone who repeatedly promotes demonstrable falsehoods and does not retract them when their falseness is pointed out.