Epistemology and Theistic Evolution

I do not approach theology as a big proof-texting exercise, Adam, nor am I interested in proving to you that I know my Bible or Christian doctrines well. I do. How about you show me the biblical references that contradict anything I have said.

You are not interacting with what I wrote. You said the reason for Jesus’ RETURN was to redeem sinners. This is wrong. The result of Jesus’ incarnation and crucifixion was the redemption of sinners, which is what I wrote above.

No one disagreed with that. I very clearly stated:

You said stuff. Whether it “answered” is not for you to decide. All humans are mortal and die. The fact that Jesus died a physical death doesn’t prove Adam was created immortal and sin made him mortal. Many Genesis literalist believe he needed access to the tree of life in the Garden in order to not die, and when he was denied access because of sin, eventual death was the consequence. There is no Bible passage that says Adam was created physically immortal. YECs made that up. You will not have “answered” the “error” of death before the fall until you

  1. Explain all the passages in this article that shows the Bible does not teach that all physical death is linked to sin, it portrays death differently.
  2. Explain the fossil record which clearly shows death before humans existed.

Even if you could do 1) you will fail at 2). So, I’ll stick with my interpretation that harmonizes with the reality we actually live in, not a fiction created by Creationists to satisfy their literalism.

Jesus’ sacrificial death was a metaphor in some ways of the Jewish sacrificial system he fulfilled and did away with. More was going on at the atonement than a blood sacrifice to appease a god though, and if you make it out that all was needed to deal with sin and human mortality was a blood sacrifice of a physical body, that is sub-Christian theology.


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