Epistemology and Theistic Evolution

These two posts, @Christy’s and @adamjedgar’s, epitomize the now eternal false dichotomy on the epistemological spectrum of Biblical literalism. Hard vs. soft.

On the Why must genesis be literal topic, my answer there encapsulates @adamjedgar’s above;

If you won’t believe that Genesis is the literal truth then you won’t believe in penal substitutionary atonement.

I deliberately used the word won’t, as in the hard literalist mind, that is what soft literalism must lead to. As @adamjedgar demonstrates.


If one takes the soteriology of the NT literally, why not take the Fall literally as that gives a rationale for penal substitutionary atonement, i.e. the defeat of sin? In a completely literal circular argument.

Now I suspect that not all here actually take the soteriology of the NT, i.e. the meaning of Jesus’ accurately reported death, literally. Which is the only possible way out of the false dichotomy.