Does the Bible teach a flat Earth?


I agree with the Rev. Billy Graham that the Bible is a book of redemption and eternal life, and it is not a book of science. It does confirm that God is the creator; however, God chose not to reveal everything to the ancient Hebrews at one time. Genesis 1 does seem to be more advanced than Genesis 2. Is the table that Dr. Brooks used correct about the ancient view? As a moderate-conservative Southern Baptist, I must say “yes.” This does not make the Bible false; on the contrary, it is a progressive revelation. The final revelation is the return of Christ and the establishment of His eternal kingdom. As it says in Revelation 11: The Kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of Christ and He shall reign for ever and ever. Georg Friedrich Haendel composed that in the Messiah. King George II of Great Britain stood up when he heard it. That is why people do that today when it is played.


Firstly, you flatter me; or you have accidentally confused me with someone else. I do not possess a PhD. I go by “Mr Brooks”, “George” or “hey you”.

Secondly, I like what you write about a progressive revelation; even if it is not a technically perfect explanation, it is certainly a reasonable one. How do we convince YEC Evangelicals that it is time to accept the new revelation, progressively uncovered about God’s Book of Nature, that God’s plans for us are undefinably ancient - - and so is his Universe ?



I understand what you mean. I feel you deserve a PhD. Regent University School of Divinity has offered me a scholarship to go beyond my MA; however, I will probably not accept. I am sixty and I like to study my books. I will have to think about your question. Some Young Earthers are really difficult to convince. With scientific evidence staring them in the face, I do not understand how they can think the way they do. I will think about this. We need to convince them that believing in an old earth and universe is not heretical. Believing in development is by a Divine Creator not heretical. Even Benjamin B. Warfield, professor at Princeton Theological Seminary, accepted evolutionary creationism, and he was not liberal.

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Tell that to the Flat Earth Society folks who use the Bible for the basis of their belief.