Does Randomness Really Exist?

There is no double standard. I already know about science and scientists.

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Patrick, I want to thank you again for steering me onto a fascinating topic, quantum information theory. I’m still going through Christopher Timpson’s thesis, learning about quantum teleportation and the von Neumann entropy.
I’m going to make a preliminary statement about your claim (and that of the authors of the paper) that the wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle are one and the same thing. From what I’ve been reading so far, I think I will find out that quantum information theory is useful in interpreting quantum mechanics, but it could not be a foundational theory of quantum mechanics. If you talk about the wave-particle duality, then that expresses a choice of basis for the state function: position for a particle, momentum for a wave. There are other pairs of conjugate dynamical variables to which an uncertainty principle applies, as derived from commutation relations of operators for canonical variables; these commutation relations stem in turn from anti-commutation relations in classical dynamics. So the uncertainty principle will also apply to the following conjugate pairs of variables: energy and time, different components of angular momenta, etc. I don’t see where the physics comes into quantum information theory or how it leads to a classical limit, as does conventional quantum mechanics. But perhaps maybe this will be evident as I read more.

:open_mouth: Beagle Lady, you already know about science and scientists? Gee, I’ve done physics, chemistry and medical physics from 1951 to 1995 and a lot of reading thereafter, and I can’t say I already know about science and scientists. I’m still learning. But I guess some of us have it, and others (me) don’t. :wink:


Take a look at the Coles paper, it really is a breakthrough mathematically and an alternative way to look at quantum mechanics in general. From the math you can see that it works for all the other pairs of conjugate dynamical variables to which an uncertainty principle applies.

I think @beaglelady 's request is quite reasonable.

I can’t even IMAGINE an ANONYMOUS poster challenging my views, my ethics and even my religion - - while refusing to identify his own background.

Eddie, maybe you are really a rabbi? Because you GOT CHUTZPAH!


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I think it takes more courage to “come out” as an atheist than it does to unveil the cloak of anonymity as a Christian.

OK, so we’ve descended into playground taunts again. Just remember, if you want authors to actually interact with you, your posts need to be focused and relevant to the topic at hand.



George, cosmic rays are a part of the environment, so they are not left WAYYY OUTTTTT THERE in ecological Natural Selection. .

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I don’t mind if people remain anonymous. After all, I’m anonymous. It’s just that when somebody posts the same thing month after month, for years on end, attacking the faith of Biologos leaders and participants alike, it would be enlightening to see who the inquisitor is.

Roger… I certainly didn’t mean “way out there” in terms of unbelievable… I mean way out there … as part of the furthest reaches of the environment that can come right into the earthly realm … and change the tiniest of molecules…


You are, by anyone’s definition, an “Anonymous Detractor” … not exactly your best foot forward. Maybe you could earn some credibility by spending less time on the negatives of BioLogos ?


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Lovely … keep the positive thoughts coming !


So if the comments so far haven’t been focused or relevant… does that mean they’ve been pretty random? :smiley: #bringinitbackontopic


Which mechanism? You started out with whether mutations provide sufficient grist; are you still referring to that mechanism or some other mechanism?

Why can’t God call forth mutations suitable to any end?

[quote=“Eddie, post:59, topic:4174”]
There were critics at the Wistar Conference other than Ulam. I don’t understand Ulam’s comment.[/quote]
I do.

I don’t have to read more to know that he included the generation of variation by mutation. What he is saying is that he didn’t include the generation of variation by sexual reproduction and recombination, two huge sources that I don’t see you considering either. Have you ever acknowledged the roles of sexual reproduction and recombination, or do all of your comments pretend that only mutation generates variation?

Are you saying that you touted these 50-year-old proceedings as significant without knowing whether they were significant?

I don’t see how this can possibly be true. If it were, work would have stopped, yet we now know that evolutionary biology is much more mechanistically rich than that.

The question I have for you is why don’t you seem to be able to admit that? Why are you apparently obsessed with offering a falsely simplistic, shallow portrayal of evolutionary theory? As the most blatant example, how much genetic variation is provided by recombination? Have you EVER even mentioned recombination as an evolutionary mechanism? Nothing you’ve written here suggests such an understanding.

[quote]Yes, God can call forth mutations if he wants to. Now, find me a BioLogos executive or columnist who will say…
[/quote]Who are you that I should “find” you anything of the sort?

Why would I want to be so incredibly rude to Biologos people? Because a commenter using a pseudonym demands that certain people state something so utterly obvious to anyone who both understands evolutionary biology and adheres to any Abrahamic religion?