Does James Webb debunk Big Bang?

I see both of these combined in the parable we call “The Prodigal Son” (which I think of as “The Parable of the Insanely Gracious Father”) in the son as he struggles with going home: desire for that intimacy and terror it might not happen, that there is no inheritance for him and thus no welcome.
But my view of that parable was skewed long ago by Luther; as long as I can remember I’ve reckoned that when the father gave an inheritance to that wayward son the father’s estate was not diminished, so there was always still an inheritance waiting for the younger son.

That’s what happens when someone who sees the world from a legal perspective does theology.

I was reading an article by a physicist who maintains that everything in the universe is made up of fields, and it occurred to me that from that perspective we could think of God as the über-feld, the “super field” which sustains all the ‘mundane’ fields. That would make God both infinitely removed and intimately close.
It sounds close to gnosticism’s emanations, except it doesn’t require any emanating, only being.

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Calvinism has a fair amount of focus on God’s love. Legalism, which is possible coming from anywhere on other theological spectra, would lead to terror. But the Bible brings out both the awe and the friendliness.