Does God speak Directly To People And Through Which Medium?

Hello Olayinka_Olalekan. If one believes God is God, then he can surely communicate in a manner as He wishes with anyone when He wants to. I am nearly 82, have heard people and read of same who claim God spoke directly to them. Because of ensuing results or non-results, I believe some of the messages proved to be true and others are doubtful and some were wrong. However, I claim to have heard God speak in an audible voice to me only once. No one can convince me otherwise. The short is that, at midnight, I was driving on a bend in the road across a bridge leading into our hometown. It was dark. In South-Africa we drive in the left lane. There were no vehicles at the back or coming from the front. The translation of the Afrikaans words were: “Move to the left”. This meant I had to swing out of the lane onto the road-side shoulder, which I did without question. The next second a vehicle without lights passed our car in the lane I was supposed to be driving in. My wife did not hear the voice, but saw vehicle. The result: no head-on collison! This was some 55 years ago. Since then, I’ve never doubted that God does exist, and I can believe Him when He speaks to me through his Word … Old and New Teastament. This does not mean my interpretation is right!

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I appreciate your submission and very importantly what i have understood so far from the words of God is that our thought process is very important, because nothing comes to us except through our thoughts. The scripture even made it clear that we should guard our hearts very fiercely, so as not to be misled by whatever comes into our minds.

Thank you.,

Of course, God most often speaks to young men in Bible college, telling them that the pretty young lady sitting in front of him in chapel is meant to be his wife. What is puzzling is that when told this, that young lady seldom hears God’s voice telling her that also, and often has heard multiple young men given the same word from God.

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Hello Robin,

Thank you for the clarity. I will like to add to your position that whatever anyone claims to receive from God must not conflict with the words of God. That is why the scripture instructed us to guard our hearts, so that we will not take what our brain is telling us to mean God is speaking to us. Thank you.

I agree with your thoughts. We cannot “say” everything that God would or would not do —He does not seek our permission (!!) — and so He probably does speak directly to some of us — some of the time…Evidently the “real thing” — that is, actual theophanies or conversations rather than suspect ones - has occurred from time to time in history!!But, right, He does not contradict what He has already said in His word. And does not really add to it…

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