I don’t know of any proponents of “the (grand) theory of Darwinian evolution” because I have never heard the term. Sorry. It is entirely new to me.
Being always interested in learning something new, I Googled “the grand theory of Darwinian evolution” and found a total of two hits. (Yes. That’s a “2”.) So I clicked on the option which shows even duplicate/redundant entries. That gave me a total of three.
That suggests to me that I’m not alone in being unfamiliar with the term.
I only know of The Theory of Evolution, the theory from the biological sciences which explains changes in allele frequencies in populations over time.
Perhaps you are contrasting the Theory of Evolution as first explained by Charles Darwin in On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life with all that science has learned in expanding Darwin’s theory, especially Mendelian genetics. The other possibility which comes to mind is Kent Hovind’s “every kind of evolution theory” where he defines no less than six kinds of evolution–but I doubt that anyone will find his list in any science textbook at a major university.
Of course, there are scientific terms involving the word “evolution” in other senses, such as chemical evolution, which can refer to abiogenesis or even the nucleosynthesis in stars. Nevertheless, those are not scientific “evolution theories” per se. And despite the criticisms of some, scientists are still investigating abiogenesis and no compelling theory of abiogenesis has won consensus. (Nevertheless, unless someone thinks that biological life has always existed, abiogenesis must have happened at some point in the past or we wouldn’t be here! Of course, both the Bible and Science agree on abiogenesis** so the unknown is the explanation of how non-living ingredients produced the first biological life.)
** FOOTNOTE: For those who have not stopped to consider how often abiogenesis (biological life from non-living ingredients) appears in the Bible, I usually start with Genesis 1:24:
“And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.’ And it was so.”
Yes, it couldn’t be much clearer than that. God created a universe where the laws of physics produces as God willed. As the text says, the ERETZ (land) produced living things. Life from non-living ingredients. Abiogenesis. We see it again in Genesis 2:7. HAADAM was formed from “the dust of the ground”. The chemical elements of the earth’s crust are non-living ingredients but God created a universe when the non-living molecules all around us can combine to produce incredibly complex living things.
Mythical? Your claims of “neutrality” are wearing thin.
The fact you want “proof of Darwinism” tells me that you are demanding something no scientific theory provides. (An observer might say that asking for proof indicates that you are unaware of how science works. I doubt that that is the case. Denialism tends to be selectively rational.) If you want proofs you will have to take up mathematics. No scientific theory has every been “proved” or published as a proof. Scientific theories are based upon compelling evidence.
Seeing how you just assigned me 50+ pages of journal articles, I suppose that I could assign you a link to the University of California at Berkeley site where the evidence and arguments for The Theory of Evolution are explained. Yet, I doubt that you would read them. I think your demand is rhetorical pretense, not a request for tutoring. You know and I know that your claim that you were neutral on The Theory of Evolution doesn’t harmonize with your last post.
Clearly, The Theory of Evolution has survived over a century and a half of falsification attempts while amassing more and more huge piles of evidence outlined under a growing list of types of arguments. Moreover, no one has yet published anything to undermine or even cast doubt on The Theory of Evolution. (If they had truly undermined it, they would be just as famous as Einstein when he explained the incompleteness of Newton’s physics. The academy loves and rewards anyone who can show how a scientific theory is in error.)
So the issue is not in waiting for someone here to reproduce what appears in countless textbooks and peer-reviewed journals. You have simply decided to deny all of it. So what would be the point and purpose in our tutoring you again in what you’ve already rejected?
I’ve appreciated Dr. David Levin’s response on the Amazon Book Reviews when someone demands “proof” of The Theory of Evolution from him and then declares the theory absurd. (By the way, he teaches evolutionary biology to medical students at Boston University because today’s doctors need to understand The Theory of Evolution to do their jobs effectively. This is becoming part of the curriculum at more and more medical schools.) Dr. Levin bluntly but truthfully tells denialists on such forums, “Sorry. Your opinion simply doesn’t matter to science. The academy, composed of those with relevant training and knowledge in the relevant fields, determines what is and isn’t compelling evidence and analysis.” So the quality and quantity of debate on a public forum concerning any particular scientific theory won’t change the fact that the evidence for The Theory of Evolution is overwhelming. As so many scholars have described it: It is a theory among the most overwhelmingly attested in all of science. So whether you or I think it good or bad is irrelevant to its continued successes in explaining the diversity of life on earth.
That said, if you are genuinely baffled by evolutionary processes and sincerely want help in understanding the overwhelming evidence and arguments which have made the theory stronger and stronger as more data comes in (e.g., genome mapping was yet another slam-dunk for The Theory of Evolution), I can give you some URLs for the best tutorials. Furthermore, there are lots of excellent resources on this Biologos website. I’m sure those resources and their diagrams/illustrations will be much more interesting than anything I could draft on this limited platform in a little text box. (After all, you’ve already made very clear that you reject everything I’ve explained to you. So I’m happy to send you to experts and their carefully edited tutorials. Sorry, I don’t think any of the authors have the “Noble [sic] Prizes” you wanted.)
However, to end for the evening on an harmonious note, you wrote:
I agree! I’m a born-again, Bible-believing evangelical Christ-follower and leaving behind my devotion to the “creation science” type of Young Earth Creationism and affirming God’s amazing evolutionary processes did not require “a single significant change to Orthodox Theology.” I’m glad to hear that you understand that. Christ-followers need not fear The Theory of Evolution as somehow endangering their faith in the scripture nor think it will overturn their orthodoxy. (In truth, people only have their cherished traditions to lose, which can be difficult but worth the effort.) A lot of people struggle with that fear of changes in their theology so I"m glad to hear that you have already overcome that potential hurdle.
On a final brief note, I will provide this one example of an evolutionary algorithm applied to another field. I’ve written extensively on the use of such simulations to help students understand how non-intelligent, very simple algorithms can produce very complex solutions:
Even after I understood and affirmed The Theory of Evolution, my intuitive senses still struggled to think that such simple evolutionary processes could over time lead to such complex structures. Fortunately, it was my research involving evolutionary algorithms in non-biological applications where my intuition got an overhaul and I finally “got it” in terms of seeing how The Theory of Evolution really fell into place for me. The link above involves a very simple simulation but there are many others online. In fact, the AVIDA project is also worth reading about, where such algorithms were investigated intensively and “played out” in many new ways. These kinds of tools gave me a much greater appreciation of God’s wisdom and power in building the biosphere by means of evolutionary processes.
Truly the ways of God are wonders to behold. No other phenomena in all of science have expanded my view of God more than the evolutionary processes which diversified life on earth. Yes, working through the science can be very challenging but it is worth every minute of it. The Theory of Evolution absolutely revitalized my understanding of God’s ways and magnified my desire to worship him as Creator of all. Yet most of all it brought a harmony of understanding the Bible and Creation that I never had as a Young Earth Creationist, when I was constantly dealing with contradictions in the evidence and struggling to resolve them. That harmony and peace is something I wish for all Christ-followers.
Fortunately, today’s inquirers have so many more resources available to them, including Biologos. I was basically on my own in figuring out the many flaws in “creation science” and all I had was a relatively sparse and not at all helpful ARPANET (because the full-fledged Internet was still just a hazy dream.)
Some of my exegesis and Biblical linguistics articles appear on my Facebook page but the newer material is at the Bible.and.Science.Forum blog at https://bibleandscienceforum.wordpress.com/